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Everything posted by I_Am_Who_Am_I

  1. I joined this a few days ago and have been reading all the stuff people post. Not gonna lie some of it gets me pretty depressed but a lot of it actually helps. I feel safe here now... and that's a good place to be because I don't feel comfortable anywhere else now. I guess when I found out I was in shock, and I've went through my stages of just wanting to wake up from a bad dream, or even have my life be over, to times where I find myself realizing what truly great friends I have, and how I am fortunate to be a full time student and have a good job. I'm not so scared about living with the physical aspects of it but what has been devastating me off and on during the past week is the thought that now my dream to fall in love and have kids has a major roadblock, and being only 19 i feel like ill get the worst of it because boys this young are selfish and usually want to have fun before they get serious.. At this point, i don't really have any specific questions, I'm just looking for the support and guidance I need to get on the right track, and to keep this from letting it ruin my life.... thanks everyone
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