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Everything posted by looking4answrspls

  1. Thank you @allwillbefine that article was very helpful and informative! But yeah i think I am going to get another doctor...because it was an OBGYN but obviously not a very good one...
  2. Thank you again...haha yeah i wish my doctor would have tested me and given me more information on this so I would know better. :/
  3. Thank you @WCSDancer2010 your answers were very helpful and so were the discussion boards. I think the biggest thing is I have to be honest with myself before I can be honest with someone else, which may take a while but its a challenge I need to face. I guess this is all about growing up! I have one last question: Do I tell my previous partner? was was a casual sex partner but I'm pretty sure I got it from him and I'm pretty sure he has no idea he has it... Thank you again, you have been very helpful
  4. This may seem like a dumb question but as I continued to read through the different forums I'm confused on the different types of H. When my doctor told me I had H she just simply said "you have genital herpes". There were no blood tests or cultures ran and no information was really provided to me. So if someone could shed some light on what these different kinds are and how you get them that would be awesome. Because I don't really know what kind I have and maybe this would help narrow it down. Thanks!
  5. Hi all, first of all just wanna say that this website has been a blessing for me. I've gotten a lot of insight and people have been very honest and understanding. I'm 20 years old and It has been about 7 weeks since my diagnosis. I have HSV-2 and I'm still not really sure how I got it. The emotional part of this journey has been the worst for me. I was never the relationship type of girl, I wouldn't say I was a slut but I did sleep with different guys and never really settled down, so getting H has been a lifestyle change. I am in the still kinda angry, sometimes sad, sometimes accepting stage. My thoughts towards everything are: kinda wanna have sex again, kinda wanna pretend I don't have H, kinda wanna not do the disclosure talk, but don't wanna give it to anyone. After reading statistics about how transmitting it is only 1% with proper precautions gives me a little angel and devil on my shoulders. I don't want to give it to anyone else but I also want to get back out there, but I'm scared of disclosing. My school is a very small school and I don't want my business to get around to people I don't want it to get too. I don't know what to do. So my questions are: 1. How long should I wait to start having sex again? I've heard you should wait a long time after your first outbreak but I haven't had any outbreaks since my first one. And I'm on antivirals. 2.I need some insight from people about disclosing or not, maybe someone who has been in this situation before? 3. I read somewhere that tanning causes outbreaks? is the true or is that just a myth? 4. When my gyno diagnosed me with H, she never ran a culture or blood test. She said she has seen this enough times she knows what it is. Should I still get a blood test or should I just leave it? I'm taking the antivirals, and haven't had an outbreak since the first initial outbreak. Sorry for the rambling/if this doesn't really make sense and thanks ahead of time!
  6. Thank you @kiwiguy I've been reading and talking to a lot of people and I'm becoming more informed. Like I said I've been having good and bad days, but today feels like a good day :) Thank goodness I found this website or I have no idea what I would be feeling. Everyone has been extremely supportive and helpful. Thank you.
  7. It has been about 3 weeks since I was diagnosed with HSV-2. I've found that the struggle is real. I am still in the pissed/angry/sad stage. I have good and bad days, but mostly bad days; that is emotionally. Luckily my outbreak cleared up in about a week. But the emotional toll is what has been the worst part. I've read on here that this is common to feel this way, I'm just not sure how to overcome it. I thought I was starting to deal with it better; until I had to face reality. I am 20 years old and have always been an outgoing person with many friends. I've struggled with depression before, but have always been really good about hiding it. I'm a pretty private person and tend not to open up and share my feelings and emotions with others. I'm the type that likes to hide behind a smile. After being diagnosed I have started to fade again. Not many of my friends know and I cry myself to sleep most nights because I feel like my life has changed so much. I think the hardest thing also is that I am hiding myself behind fake happiness when I am really falling apart inside. The past 6 months have been the hardest of my life, for various reasons. It's hard to get up in the mornings sometimes. As I said before, I am young and I am in my sophomore year of college. I have never been the relationship type, aka yes I've slept with a few people which is what lead to getting H. I contracted it from a boy who I was just hooking up with, never did I think it would lead to this. This is where I get angry, because my campus is very small and I have to see him everywhere I go. At least I think I contracted it from him. We used to talk all the time and the last time we had sexual relations he stopped talking to me immediately which is when I think I received it from him. He won't speak to me or talk to me, which leads me to believe that he may know. That is where my anger comes from. I'm angry with him for giving this to me. I'm angry because I was finally moving in the right direction with my past depression and this has caused a major setback. And I'm sad because I feel so lost, and have so many questions. I'm sad because I feel ashamed of myself for getting put in this position. I know eventually I will get back to the old me, but it's hard to see that right now. Which leads to the part that has made this week suck majorily. I started to think that I was possibly getting to the good days, until this weekend when I had the chance to be with a boy that I have been with before and have had feelings for. He made the move and I was so excited, until I remembered I have H now. I stopped the hooking up and pretended I was tired and wanted to go to bed. We went to bed, but I was scared to even be naked around him because of the possibility of him getting H from me. I enjoyed being with this boy before and I know he has enjoyed being with me. I think this really hit me hard because as bad as it sounds, I'm realizing I can't be the "college" girl I was before. I know this is supposed to be a good thing, but right now I can't see that. I don't want to be in a relationship, I want to continue having fun because I am no where near ready for a relationship but now I feel like I can't be that girl anymore, but I also don't see anyone wanting me either. No one wanted me before I had H so I don't see someone wanting me when I do have it. Emotionally I'm breaking apart but no one knows. My three closest friends know but they don't understand and sometimes I feel like I can't talk to them about things. Although they have been super supportive I just know they can't relate to me. I know this was kind of pessimistic, and I really do believe one day I will be okay with things, I just hope that day is sooner rather than later. Sorry this was completely just a venting post, but if anyone has any comments, or advice on how to reach a better place emotionally, feel free to comment. I'm open to listening to what people have to say and stories that may be similar to mine. I'm new to all this and need all the help I can get so I don't go insane. Thank you.
  8. Hi all, On Thursday of this past week I went to the gyno and was told I have genital herpes. It hasn't been very long and I am glad I stumbled upon this website. I've been struggling for these past 3 days because I am only 20 years old and I feel like my life has done a complete 180. I feel disgusted with myself, I feel ashamed and I hate myself because I feel like it's all my fault. When I finally feel like I may be feeling better about my situation I start to imagine how different my life is going to be. I know I may be over thinking thing but I am still in the "yuck" period. My self confidence took a complete turn for the worst, it hurts to look in the mirror and I am just so confused and lost. I have never been a relationship type of girl and now I am scared I will never be able to be in a relationship because this may scare the other person away. I have heard that the first breakout is the worst. But I was wondering if someone would help me out with: 1. How to make the breakouts better? I am currently on spring break and trying to enjoy myself but the pain is sometimes unbearable. are there any remedies that work quickly? I am on medicine but I would like to find ways to make it better. and 2. how do I get to a good place emotionally? this has really taken a toll on me, especially since before I was a very happy go lucky person and now I feel like a completely different person and I'm scared I may never get back to how happy I was. Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you if you provide answers! Sincerely, Me
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