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  1. @akrc_17 Hello and Welcome! So sorry you had to have this news given that you just broke up ... I'm sure that the break-up isn't making this any easier... BUT.... take it from a 35 yr veteran who has 2 beautiful, grown daughters and an amazing granddaughter, your kids are quite safe. I not only have HSV2 genital, I have had oral HSV1 since I was 4 (I'm 53 now) and to my knowledge I haven't given either virus to anyone in my life besides my now-ex-hubby who got HSV2 from me before I knew what that "weird rash" was :/ So - herpes stays in the nerves in the area where you got it, so no, it won't spring up on your mouth (and only 1% of all oral herpes is HSV2) And H2 dies pretty quickly outside the body so you don't have to sterilize the toilet/bathtub after you use it ... and while you might want to use separate towels, that's good hygiene anyway AND if one of the kids grabs your towel, don't freak ... they have a FAR bigger chance of getting HSV1 orally from their friends in pre-school than they will have of ever getting HSV2 from you :) (((HUGS))) Thank you so much for all the information! It really helps me feel better. I've been reading and researching and it really isn't that bad. It's mostly due to the stigma attached to it like stated. I just hope I'm a person who has few break outs rather than a ton. Does anyone have suggestions on medications I can ask my doctor about? Or any at home remedies I can use? I've also heard our diets can affect our break outs. If anyone has any info please pass a long. As sad as this may sound finding out this news may force me to invest a little more time in myself which is something I'm not very good at to begin with. :)
  2. Ok thank you very much. I did read the rest results and the number was at 8.0. Not sure what that means though. I 've heard ppl with 3.0 or less may not have herpes. Thank you for replying and the support. Talking about it really helps with the coping part.
  3. I just found out today that I have HSV 2. It was the call that started my moring out. Hearing those words come from my doctor just made my heart sink deep into my chest. My story is a little different bc I chose to be in a relationship with a partner that was honest and told me he had herpes. We used protection, and took precautions but I guess I still caught it. I have so many mixed feelings bc I left him about two months ago due to needing me time to invest in myself and focus on myself. I'm a single mother of a 2 yr old and 4 yr old and fear that I could some how give it to them. I know that may seem strange but can I never kiss them again? Can I never share my drink with them? HSV 2 is genital, so does that mean I can still get HSV 2 in my mouth. Also I've recently been going on dates with this guy I really like and now I feel like I just need to end that bc I'm afraid of rejection. Since he has made it clear that he is terrified of catching a STD. I plan to be on here reading a lot and I hope to find local support.
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