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Posts posted by kozy

  1. I experienced my first outbreak about a month ago, was prescribed Acyclovir and had only minor side effects. I recently went to see my doctor who prescribed Valtrex as a suppresive therapy. 2 days into taking it, i started experiencing an itch like nothing else in my legs. It was as if bugs were crawling under my skin. I switched back to Acyclovir for suppression with minor nausea. I'm just wondering if Acyclovir is as effective as a suppresive? And if anyone has had a similar experience. Thank you!

  2. Kyle, about a month ago I was in your same boat. Feeling disguisting, ashamed and unsure I woukd ever find someone to be with me again. I recently met a wonderful man, who is hsv negative and i couldn't imagine putting him at risk. However, he educated himself and is entirely willing to take that risk in order to be with me.


    This diagnosis is not the end of your sex life or life at all. It feels like it is, i know, however once you understand that it is something you can't change and it is a skin rash, you will start to get your life back together.


    Hang in there, life does start to feel normal again!

  3. I was just diagnosed with HSV2 on Sunday and have been taking Acyclovir 400 mg, 3× a day. Yesterday I felt completely fine in terms of having no side effects. Today I've felt decently nauseous and have had diarrhea (sorry if tmi) my stomach is in knots and I'm hoping this doesn't get worse.


    Has anyone else experienced this while on Acyclovir? If so does it get better after a few days?

  4. 2 days ago, my life changed. I found out I'm positive for HSV2 and felt like my life was over. As I am sure many of you can relate, I felt dirty, angry and ashamed. I still feel that way. Over these past 2 days I have had moments of weakness where all I can do is break down and cry. I've also had moments of strength, where I know my life will be okay.


    My story: I was tested 6 months ago for HSV2 and it came back negative. I have been with the same partner for about a year and had no concerns about STD's as he had been tested when we first got together as well. I just recently found out that his panel did not include a test for HSV. However, I am the first one to get an outbreak, and he is convinced that he maybe doesn't have HSV2. So now I am trying to navigate all of that on top of dealing with this incredibly painful first outbreak. I love him and will regardless. He states that he loves me and this changes nothing about our relationship, however, I can't help but feel like he is just trying to be supportive, while actually freaking out internally.


    I know this will all get better. I will learn how to accept this and continue to have a beautiful life. A lot of the reason I feel this way is because of this website and blog. Thank you to all of you beautiful people who have shared their stories. Knowing that I am not at all alone is such a blessing.

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