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Everything posted by veryblessed

  1. I wish to thank ALL of you for your support, information, guidance and kind words. It is comforting knowing that there is help for both my daughter and myself. I know we will get through this but I know that I need all the information that I can get so that I can support her and help her through this little "bump in the road" and all of your comments have helped. And it helps to know that there is a place where my daughter and myself can turn for help, information and advice. Thank you again..
  2. Our daughter informed us that she has genital herpes and I did what any mom would do with that news, held her, encouraged her and told her it will be ok and then at night I surfed and read anything and everything I could, thought about the what if's, her future and cried a lot. Now I am looking for help so that we can be there to help her. I know when she started to have the outbreak she went to a clinic and they did a swab, not sure how long it takes to get those results but it has been almost a week, are there any other tests I should suggest to her to get? Where can I go to find information for parents on what to do or how to support and help her? It was a shock to her/us because she never had any symptoms before (and he said the same) and then after this one time with this person they both broke out a few days later. Not knowing much this seemed strange to me. I worry about her health, self esteem and future. I need to know how to be there for her if her news ever comes out as I know people can be so cruel. There are so many sites and so much information but just not sure what is actual helpful info. So any help that anyone can offer I would greatly appreciate, I need to be pointed in the right direction so that we can support and be here for her.
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