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  1. No yes, he has both!! idk. Right now I'm just here for him, but who knows after that.. I need time to myself. To get over this, study hard in school. Not worry about someone giving me something else. I'm slowly overcoming this :) slowly but surely..
  2. Yes face to face!! He still denied it!! And thank you so much!! I think he has a sexual problem too! But at times his thing don't work, so I mean I don't know.. this is hard.
  3. I've confronted him and he'll deny it. This guy will deny and deny!! He had the girl he cheated on me (one of them) with me.. all together face to face and he denied it all. It's crazy. I'm stupid :/
  4. No. He was willing to have protected sex, then he just decided not to. He was so scared to go get checked that he didn't, I mean he needs to get the treatment for it. I finally came home, keeping us away from each other, so I just wanna fix myself before anything else. Yes I had my first OB right after we saw each other after he came from working, he must've been putting in some over time. But that's how it happened. He claims he didn't know, he's like I hate my past because look at all I've given you. I know, when you love someone you don't hurt them. :( I'm scared and don't know what to do. Like this is so hard, will I ever find someone else!! :(
  5. Thank you so much!!! Yes we both got treated!! I have my doctor, she's like a second mother!! She was mad when I tested positive because she's always talking to me about the dangers of having unprotected sex!! I called her and told her what happened with this and she was wow'd!!! But yes.. I think about it and it's like why am I with him? All he does is hurt me and he continues at it. It hurts me!! But yes, I've seen all this. I hope someone will come along and accept me for what I come with. Isn't so bad.. But yes thank you so much. I see it as a good thing because no matter how much I am in the moment it'll hold me back. I've only been with less than 3 guys and it sucks because like I got this!! From someone I'm crazy about. Sucks so much! But thank you for the advice!!!!
  6. Okay.. so I found out June 19th.. I was on vacation when I found out! I went into the ER! I was on vacation with my boyfriend. In March he had given me clymidia. Claiming he had no idea he had it, never cheated. Maybe he carried it already because we were using condoms, at the end of the month on feb we stopped.. whoop then in March got tested and came back positive for clymidia! Now he has given me herpes! He was away working, 6 weeks passed, he came back home to me.. unprotected sex.. on our way to vacation I noticed a lump, it went away.. then days later like 3 days later I had my first breakout. I went to the hospital, positive for HSV-2. I cried so much!! Before going into the hospital I told my boyfriend I think it might be herpes. Got out, went to go get my medicine and he was so understanding. Maybe only because he gave it to me! I don't hate him, it takes 2 to have unprotected sex. But he was willing to still have sex with me, of course I wanted to have protected sex. Then I finished my medicine and we had unprotected sex thinking he didn't have herpes. Then bam, again another outbreak. I'm going back home from my vacation to see my doctor. She is very disappointed in me, for having unprotected sex because she's always giving me condoms.. but before the 6 weeks of not seeing eachother I got tested before he came home to me. I came back clean, doctor said my vagina looked super healthy! I love this guy, who's hurt me in so many ways but you can't beat love. It's hard and I feel bad. Like can I date? I know I can still have a family, if anything a sperm donor but dating.. like I don't wanna have to tell anyone I have this. Where I come from everyone is so immature and judge mental. It's annoying! But yes, I cried so much after finding out. I want to know how can I control a breakout as well. Please help. Thank you so much!
  7. So I just found out I have herpes, I'm really looking for someone to give me advice and help me over come this. Any gender is fine, but I feel so disgusted of myself. Someone please help!!
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