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Everything posted by Pederson23

  1. So I went to the ER 3 times. One doctor told me it was a UTI, the next doctor took a swab test of the inside of my vagina, and the 3rd doctor told me it was Herpes. I asked the 3rd doctor to take a test to prove it, but the doctor didn't want to because we wouldn't get the results the same day. I was in shock, because I've only had one partner and he never showed any symptoms. Later that week, I get a call from the 2nd doctor saying I had bacteria inside my vagina. I dealt with the excruciating pain for the next weeks. Then, I saw my primary doctor, and demanded that I have a test done to see what type of herpes I had. But he said herpes was a visual diagnosis. Then he said that the bacteria which the 2nd doctor found was a Yeast infection, bacteria infection, and UTI. He said yeast infection can cause sores and a white discharge, which is what I had. My primary doctor did not test me for herpes though. He said to come see him if I have the symptoms again. I left more confused than ever. What if I don't have any more symptoms? Was it yeast or herpes? How come they don't want to test me? I feel so scared and confused.
  2. I'm so stressed out. I'm still dealing with even accepting this. And now this itchiness can last for months? How do you guys do it? I feel like I have no one to talk to, and no one to understand me. I'm scared to even tell someone. Herpes has such a negative connotation to it. I'm sorry for complaining, but I'm scared. Thank you for your feedback though. I really appreciate it.
  3. I just had my first outbreak about 2 weeks ago. My sores recently healed with medication and the Epsom salt bath. However, I still feel tingling and sooo itchy! I don't know if that's normal, or maybe because my pubic hairs are growing back?. I've tried Vagasil, but it only helps for a little while. Has anyone experienced this? Any advice? Thank you.
  4. I was just diagnosed yesterday and I am in so much pain. I think the sores have burst but Im not sure when they will start drying. I dont know how to deal with this and still go to school, do my homework, and live day to day. I am 20 years old, and I have been in a relationship for a year and a half. My boyfriend was my first sex partner and he never showed any symptoms. He was also surprised when I told him. It's crazy to think that he could have given it me because we've been together for a year, and it barely happened yesteday. He went to go get checked today and we're waiting for the results. Can anyone provide some insight? And advice on how to deal with this excruciating pain? I also have a UTI, and I drink lots of water, but the pain is too much when I pee. Peeing in the shower helps, but it still hurts soo much. Thank you for your help!
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