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Everything posted by Dolly213

  1. @WCSDancer2010 I believe you are right! In a sense I feel like now I really know what kind of person he is and how he handles conflicts. He texted me last night and I foolishly replied.. We got to talking and he asked me why I never text him anymore and how he thinks about me a lot. Ill be honest I was floored, and if he didn't already know, through everything, what use is it explaining? The way he treated me and took things out on me throughout our relationship to the point of making me cry, his selfishness, growing cold after my herpes diagnosis. After I deleted him from Facebook and he went ballistic, I told him that if he's going disrespect me by re adding his ex girlfriend who was "such a horrible person", cheating on him, infecting him etc. that I could see how this was going to turn out, therefore I couldn't have him on there. Also, I needed to remove him in order to move in and heal. I have tried to create boundaries but it seems he's trying to break through them, which renders attempting boundaries useless. I don't know. Sometimes I miss him and of course the good times, but his behaviour all those times was enough to question if I could even stay friends with him.
  2. @2Legit2Quit I hear exactly what you're saying. It's been a long pathetic roller coaster already. I felt as if he held me accountable for the way he felt, and if he felt like crap, he pressed on me to change that. It was exhausting. Just thinking about everything makes my heart hurt. It's still quite fresh, none of my friends understand the psychological mind fuck I just endured, so I went to the Internet for help, because as we know, this is no ordinary break up.
  3. @Thecoolguy101 There is a good chance he didn't know. But to throw me away like that several months down the road after being so rude and dismissive of my feelings. The whole thing lasted about two years, but things were at most serious for the last 8 months. He has never been in long term relationship, but I have. I got out of one right as him and I started talking. I put up with a lot of crap from him and his negative attitude, his lashing out, ignoring me after flying into a rage if he took something I said the wrong way.. shady behaviour.. If I have him any inclination that I didn't trust him or showed any doubt, he would flip. He had me right where he wanted me. Now, a few months after things went completely sour, he wants to be friends. I still receive text messages from him quite randomly, some of which I don't reply. He is well known where he's from, so i can imagine what's being said about me removing him off of a social media website. I guess people don't understand that sometimes you need to cut people out in order to heal. He has his issues, as we all do, but his are not being fixed. He dismisses them, or at the very most, minimizes them and makes excuses for everything he does. I agree with you, he has to figure it out on his own, I'm sick of trying when it's always back to square 1.
  4. Thank you for your reply. It was very well written! I admit I do carry some shame over contracting this and him leaving eventually (I knew he wouldn't stay, no matter what he said, and I know now that everything he put me through was total bullsh*t. I can't help but miss him since we talked every day almost all day texting. A few days before he called things off and blamed the distance, he told me he loved me and I was his whole world, which of course screwed with my head. If it's anything, I know someone who really loved me wouldn't have been so awful towards me.
  5. Thank you both so much for your responses. It's been quite a ride.. I was financially supportive of this guy (despite the fact he makes more than I do), paying for pretty much everything including the cost of flights while we were apart, and when I went to spend time with him. I tried to be that shoulder I thought he needed, which I look back and realize it was all quite silly since he stomped on everything I gave him all the while claiming "we" tried so hard to make it work in his schpeil before he called things off. I couldn't believe my ears. So of course when I removed him, he demanded I rid of the people I met through him as well, which I believe is up to them if they no longer wish to be "friends" with me on a website. My problem is not with them, it is with him. But he doesn't seem to get that, or understand why he's no longer included in my life after offering to be friends after everything. Just sitting here shaking my head as I recall these things that are still quite fresh.
  6. Hello everyone, I am a female in my late 20's I have known about my hsv 2 for about 10 months, after being diagnosed in November. The man I was in a relationship with (in his mid 30's) was verbally and emotionally abusive with narcissistic traits, so due to all of this, I of course have had a hard time believing that he didn't know about it prior. When I found out, I was so confused, distraught and in so much physical pain. He was supportive, claiming we don't have to worry about it anymore since we both have it.. He was supportive for about a week until he started to get annoyed and lash out because I kept "making him feel like s***/guilty" by bringing it up, so I internalized my feelings. Big mistake. I'm becoming more comfortable in expressing my situation especially around others who are dealing with the same thing, or similar to. It was a situation where I believed I could help him through his issues (drugs, alcohol, depression, low self esteem) until he recently disposed of me.. and two weeks after, had his ex girlfriend (before me) back on his Facebook, the one he claimed to have contracted hsv 2 from. So naturally I blocked and deleted him, causing him to fly into a threatening rage. I decided to join this site to seek and speak with other people who are also having a hard time coming to terms. Thanks for reading!
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