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  1. Maybe fudge a tiny bit and say that you're starting to feel a cold sore coming on, and that you didn't realize it earlier when you did the deed? That way he has a heads up at least. It's a bit dishonest, but this approach would get the job done. Learn from this incident and be more cautious in the future though. Yeah, I had thought of doing that. And yes, I definitely have learned from it. Thanks for responding. :)
  2. So earlier today, I started to feel a cold sore coming on. I didn't take my medication for it because I was out and about the whole day. Tonight, I met up with this guy I've been seeing. We were both drunk and we were starting to hook up. He asked for a blow job and stupidly, I made the decision to give him one. I was in my head thinking that I should tell him I was started to get a cold sore but I was also not sober so I went ahead with it and now I feel horrible. My sore has not become a blister yet - right now it's just the beginning stages, like a small bump on my lip. I know that it is very contagious during this stage and especially when it has "erupted," which it hasn't yet, but I still feel like shit. I don't know how to tell him now or talk to him about this. I want to be upfront but I'm also so scared that now I've given him genital herpes and I feel like he'll hate me. I feel horrible about it. I know that if you've had cold sores you're more likely to be immune from getting it genitally, but I have no idea if he's had cold sores and I really just don't know how to bring any of it up. I realize that I've made a huge mistake and potentially put him at big risk. Any pointers on how to approach this and what to say would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
  3. @EB25 Hello and Welcome! Relax and BREATHE! If herpes spread that easily, EVERYONE would have it. In order to get H, you need a pretty substantial "dose" in order to get infected unless your immune system is totally shot. Just like it takes about 40million sperm in order for the one victor to inseminate an egg, it will take millions of the Herpes virus getting into your system in order to become infected. The H virus is actually pretty fragile with outside of the body... so exposure to the air and lube is more likely to kill it. Also it loves the thin skin in the genital region because it's easier to get into (and that area is more likely to get rubbed/nicked/rubbed) than the thicker skin of the rest of the body... which is why it *normally* ends up in the genitals. Basically it takes skin to skin, sustained contact/rubbing to get enough virus into your system. A splash of lube is not going to contain enough live, viable virus capable of being passed on. (((HUGS))) Thanks for putting my worries to rest!! This is an awesome community. So glad I found it. :-)
  4. Well 50% of new genital herpes cases are caused by HSV 1 through oral sex. Now w that said, I really think that you are over thinking this and have nothing to worry about. @wcsdancer2010 will be able to comment further, but I'm pretty sure she'll tell you that this wouldn't be something to worry about either. So relax. Thanks for responding! Yeah, I tend to over think a lot of things, trying to work on that lol :)
  5. I think you had zero risk - the thigh is a pretty rugged (thick skinned) spot, and herpes takes a vigorous rubbing to get transmitted. Plus, it's pretty fragile, so a few seconds in the air, floor and lube would probably kill a ton of the buggers. I would move on your merry way and just check your thigh area in a week or so - I highly doubt anything will be there!! Thank you for commenting!! I'll try to relax. I definitely get overly anxious about these things. :)
  6. Hey everyone. :) So I had a question. Yesterday I got together with a guy. We didn't have sex, neither of us performed oral, but I did touch his dick and after the fact, noticed that he had a sore on it. I washed my hands right after and didn't touch my genitals, but there was one part of it where I was squeezing some lube onto his dick and some of it slid off onto the ground and splashed up onto my inner thigh. I talked to him today and politely asked him about his sore. He said I didn't have anything to worry about, but it did look like a herpes sore, and I'm worried about the lube that got up on my inner thigh. I know no one can say for sure, but is there a good chance that I could contract herpes from lube that may have touched a sore, fallen onto the ground, and splashed up on my leg? Even as I write it, the question sounds kinda crazy, but I'm a super hypochondriac and when I called Planned Parenthood earlier, they didn't give any kind of relief with their answer (they said it was a possibility but didn't give any leaning with whether or not it was a high or low probability.) Has anyone gotten infected this way or a similar way? And does this seem like a viable way to contract herpes? I already have type one, and get cold sores pretty regularly, so I know that my body has probably built up a resistance to type one. But since this sore was on his genitals I assume it is probably a type 2. Anyone have thoughts on this? THANKS! :-)
  7. @EB25 Well, hate to say this but, it may be Herpes, and it may not. A swab will hopefully help you to determine the answer .... I'm guessing it's yeast, but it's possible if he has had sex with someone in the last few months, that he *could* hypothetically have H and not have a positive test yet. It's incredibly highly unlikely that you would get anything from the guy who fingered you.... for one thing you already have HSV1 so you have the antibodies, and it's unlikely you would get enough of a "dose" of Herpes in the saliva to pass it on. Get that swab done, and you will have your answer within a few days :0 (((HUGS))) thank you for responding!! just about to go to the doctor. I will update you after. :)
  8. Hey everyone, I'm brand new to this community, and have a question. I know no one here can really diagnose me, but I wanted to see if anyone has had a similar experience or if it sounds like I have herpes or not. So about a week ago, I had unprotected sex with a new partner. I made sure before we had sex that we were both tested - he got blood tests for herpes too. All of his results came back negative. And mine did too - except for that I have HSV1, which I already knew because I get cold sores. But, about 3 days after, I started feeling sick. My back was hurting and I had a little bit of a headache and sore throat. I felt chilled but took my temp a few times and the results were normal (I didn't have a fever.) I then having pain down in my pelvic area. I've had this happen before, a few months ago. I thought it was herpes but went to 5 different doctors and they all told me I had a yeast infection (I'm prone to them.) So it was a feeling like that again - I get this pain in one part of my vagina, and it's a little itchy, but mostly painful, and the area gets red and kinda of inflamed. However, I've never actually noticed any sores. Then after about a day or two, the pain goes away in that area and I start feeling pain in another area. It's really weird. I of course get anxious and thinking it's for sure herpes, and I think that manifests in further pain and stress and thinking I have it. Another thing I should note is that I've also had spotting. I don't have a period anymore because I have an IUD and after a while some women stop having periods. But sometimes when I have rough sex I bleed a little bit, or get a period. And normally when I get a period my lower back hurts really bad and I'm tired and get a little bit of a headache. I also have extremely sensitive skin, so any time I shave I get ingrown hairs and some pain in the area that I shave. I am going to go to the doctor in the morning, but I wanted to see from people if they think this is genital herpes. I should also note that because I get cold sores, I have a prescription for those and have taken the pills a couple times to see if it would help the issue in my vaginal area, but so far I haven't really noticed it doing much. One last note -- I also performed oral sex on another guy (unprotected) and he fingered me with some spit from his mouth, but we didn't have any actual touching of our pelvic area. I know that it can be spread even when you don't have sores present, so I was thinking maybe it could have been spread when he got his finger wet with his tongue, but I just have no idea. I've been so anxious and nervous that I have it. I feel like my life is over. I know that's a common sentiment found on herpes forums, but I truly feel like that. What do people think? Have you had a similar experience and it turned out to be herpes?
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