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  1. Thanks for the advice Dancer. Yes I found the Herpes Virus Association webiste very informative. No I'm not in the UK at the moment unfortunately. I followed my GPs emailed suggestion and took a course of Aciclovir, for some reason I then had what must surely have been a classic outbreak (worst I've had it in the whole 4 months), very inflamed, 3 or four sores that burst and then all cleared up within a few days. I went to the doctor here at the time and was told again it probably wasn't herpes and to stop taking the Aciclovir. They gave me a blood test, got the results today, there were no values. It just said negative for HSV1 and 2. So now I have been given medication for balinitis. Still feel like I'm going around in circles! Even when I go back to the UK, apart from paying for a test, or having an outbreak coincide with my next visit, I will still be stuck in this state of not knowing!
  2. I received oral sex from my ex-gf whilst she was presenting with cold sores. Sounds ridiculous right? She was completely oblivious to the fact this just shouldn't be done. I on the other hand wasn't quite so naive, although I wasn't well versed in herpes literature, I was of the knowledge that kissing etc should be avoided under such cirumstances. However, I hadn't said this to her when we met, having seen she had what appeared to be cold sores. So later that day we were in bed together, and nightmare scenario happens before I could stop her. I don't blame her because she genuinely had no idea. Needless to say I started panicking. 17 days later a fluid filled spot appeared on my penis shaft, no pain. It was there for 1 month. Soon after I got another similar one in the boxer region, on my leg. I live abroad and was not in the UK at the time so I couldn't see a doctor there until 2/3 weeks after these zit looking things had reared their heads. They were still there but obviously too old to draw a sample from. I have since seen 6 different doctors and all of them have said, despite the fact I told them of the potential exposure and tingling sensations since, it didn't look like herpes. At the clinic I was abruptly told it was an ingrown hair and herpes blisters come in clusters very soon after exposure, so it couldn't be that?!? Apart from visually examining the area, in the UK, unless you have active lesions, there is no other test offered on the national health system. I was home for a few weeks, and although generally feeling as though there was something wrong, without a recurrence of anything resembling a breakout, there was nothing I could do. It really has been a nightmare, especially not being able to get a diagnosis. I reluctantly returned to the country I work in last month. Despite ongoing symptoms, I never seem to have a proper outbreak. For the last 3 months I have had weird tingling sensations in my penis and scotum a dozen times everyday (few seconds each time), sporadic itching and shooting in groin area, pins and needles in my feet on a regular basis, then for the last 3 weeks, a new red spot pretty much everyday (could be anywhere in pubic hair, buttocks, thighs, penis head) and just generally feeling not quite right, like a pressure covering the whole genital region (sex drive has disappeared). Therefore it doesn't feel like the kind of outbreak many people describe. More of a constant stream of painless red spots (normally individually isolated), some just show for a day, others longer and blister slightly, and a few filled with fluid. Some are here and gone so fast, I'm not sure they can be swabbed or not. I'm certain I have herpes, but haven't been able to have this validated medically. As I wasn't getting these red spots so regularly whilst in the UK, I recently emailed my GP back home with photos, he suggested that if it put my mind at ease, I could start taking "anti-herpes medication". Anyone have any thoughts on what I should do, because essentially all the doctors I have seen have told me that I can carry on with a normal sex life, but I don't feel like this is responsible?
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