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  1. Okay. I understand. Sorry for the confusion, I have not been with anyone since my groin symptoms until I met the girl I am currently seeing.
  2. I want to keep her safe. But she isn't worried at all and I've told her everything before we did anything beyond a quick kiss
  3. I have been dating a girl for over three months now and had told her everything. What I was worried about, my symptoms. My doctor trips and finally my test which was a few weeks back and negative for 2 and positive for one. Five months after any previous sexual experience. She wanted to be with me regardless and was happy with my result
  4. Would you feel differently about hsv2? Is it just cause hsv 1 is so common
  5. It could be genital though as I haven't ever had a cold sore. If it was ghsv1 would you notify previous partners? Or not in general cause it's hsv 1. Even if I had it orally I've performed oral on previous partners at points in my life. I just know they never test for herpes around here either.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I haven't had anyone to talk to about this at all.
  7. Just a question to anyone on this forum. I've been dating a girl for three months. My doctor and her both don't seem concerned about me having hsv 1?? Should I tell past partners about this? Assume it's oral or genital? She doesn't even want to use condoms
  8. Late 20s. I know I have anxiety. I have had bad STI anxiety mostly related to HIV. But since I've had tests for that it's all about Herpes now.
  9. Half of all new genital herpes cases are from oral sex hsv 1. Unless you get it swabbed, you'll never know where the infection is. You're going to have to find someone and demand they swab it, like a dermatologist. Females as awkward as that may be, might be better to try next to get a swab. Seems that male docs blow off male patients more than females. So you've never had a cold sore right? I would proceed w caution and go to the ER to get it swabbed asap next time if pops out. I don't remember having one. But I know lack of symptoms don't mean a lot. Both my parents get them. But it's hard to say. I had a question for you if it's personal my bad. H has been quite difficult physically for you because of a pre existing condition would you be able to tell me what that is? I have some health issues and was wondering if h would be worse for me in this circumstance. I saw in another thread do you have an auto immune disorder? Thanks for your time.
  10. Sorry to be behind here - I have a lot on my plate right now .. 60% of all young people have HSV1 by the time they are young adults ... mostly acquired from parents/siblings/buddies who have it. So odds are high you have it orally. The only way you will know for sure is to get the rash swabbed next time it comes up.... but HSV1 genitally sheds about 1/3 as much as HSV2, and given that 80% of the population already has HSV1, your odds there are that most of your partners would have it anyway... So - you fear rejection. THAT is the real issue here. I strongly suggest that you get some counseling ASAP because if you don't get to the root of this odds are you will sabotage every relationship you are in until you learn to forgive yourself for whatever it is that you are beating yourself up over (beyond the possible way you may have got H).... But to get you started in understanding rejection, read these links (((HUGS))) http://supporttruthanddialog.com/rejection_its-all-about-perspective/ (my blog) http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/4699/first-real-disclosure-first-real-rejection Rejection as your teacher….. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-squeaky-wheel/201307/10-surprising-facts-about-rejection Shame Hi thank you for the reply. From what I described does it sound like I have ghsv1? Or oral. How should I go about disclosing it. I never had a swab when I have had a genital rash. And doctors told me they didn't think my groin issues were herps but I could have went in to late cause I did have a small scab. Both my parents get cold sores. So I could have t orally. Since I have never been tested for hsv before now and I am in my mid 20s. What should I say to potential partners ?
  11. Also if I did have ghsv1 would it likely have been through oral sex?
  12. I have had a groin rash ongoing for a couple months. I can't remember having a cold sore but like I said both my parents have them and I have kissed a lot of people over the years as well. I went to the doctors twice for my latest groin rash and they didn't swab or want to swab it or see anything to worry about. If I ever have anything pop up I will go get it swabbed. I am seeing a girl right now who has really happy to hear about me being negative for hsv 2. If I did have it genitally it's true that it's harder to transfer grnital or genital? How should I proceed from here. I just red between 50 and 80 percent of people test positive for hsv1
  13. Ok, well first, you're projecting into the future of made up scenarios that may never even happen, which is kind of pointless don't you think? We create so many what ifs in our mind and treat them like they're reality. I've disclosed to two guys and didn't get rejected like I thought I would. This doesn't chnage anything else about what's going on in your life. Sex is a very tiny part of our life. You're only going to ha e to disclose to those you get intimate w, its not like you're putting it on your resume and if they judge, who gives a fuck? Is that the type of person you want in your life anyway? Your gf isn't even concerned, so maybe you should take note from her. You have to just tell yourself when you start going down this path of destructive thinking, no.. I'm not going to do this to myself, over and over and your brain will get distracted after repeating it a few times and get focused back in something else. Just relax and take it day by day. All this we create in our heads about herpes, is mostly a figment of our imagination. I'm someone who couldn't control the virus and has constant symptoms, but I even got to a place of acceptance w this. It doesn't rule my life. Again, sex is such a tiny part of life. Relax Hi there. Thanks for all your time. I greatly appreciate it. When I initially went to the doctors the sore spot was mostly gone but I still had a groin rash and leg pain. I saw several doctors here in Canada who only visually looked and basically said not to worry about it. So anyways I was still paranoid for months about it. I finally got my results back today when I went out of town. Five months after the incident I am negative (less than .90) for hsv 2 and greater than 5 for hav1. I don't remember having cold sores but both my parents get them. Do I assume this is a genital infection or what? I know how common hsv 1 is.
  14. I know people with this and I don't judge them. But I don't want to be judged or everyone to know. I just hate my perception of myself right now when I felt like I had a lot going for me and possed it all away.
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