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Posts posted by DarkKnightX

  1. Just had the talk with someone whom I really liked and was rejected. I met the lady on a dating site and she was very nice. It turns out that she was a nurse. I'm feeling somewhat bummed out because I got rejected, but at the same time I feel a sense of relief because I was honest about my situation.

  2. She claims to have had the test which she says came back negative, but never saw it. I took the test twice and got a negative on both. The second time I had an outbreak I immediately got it swabbed and it was hsv2. I told her that she could be truly asymptomatic, but she swears that she is clean. I think it's bs because it takes at least 4 to 6 months for antibodies to show up.

  3. She's 41 and funny thing is I didn't start to develop symptoms until a week after I had unprotected sex with her. I know that I could've contracted the virus from a previous partner of whom I was with for seven months prior before me and my ex had sex. I never experienced any symptoms what so ever while I was with my partner, but after I had sex with my ex, about three days later I immediately had prodrome symptoms. It was only a week later that I noticed a lesion on my penis.

  4. Can someone please elaborate on the topic of viral shedding? I know that when we are having an outbreak that we are definitely shedding, but I also read that we shed in the entire genital tract, is this true? If so, does this mean even without outbreaks or symptoms and including wearing a condom which covers the place where my outbreak is, I can still transmit the virus asymptomatically? If this is the case, I guess I should keep my underwear on during protective sex, right?

  5. I would just like to know why is there so little emphasis on herpes but scientists are scrambling to come up with something to combat this new Zika virus? Just like with the Ebola virus, it cased a worldwide panic and know you don't hear anything about it. I just think it's unfair for people like us who want the same attention to go towards our condition as those afflicted with their conditions.

  6. I've had this virus going on 6 yrs now and for the most part, it's just a minor inconvenience at times. My outbreaks are few and far between. I just recently had an outbreak last week and it got me depressed again. I hadn't had an outbreak in over a yr. It really irks my nerve that scientists can develop all types of things, but they can't develop a vaccine for hsv?

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