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Posts posted by DarkKnightX

  1. The ignorance of people when it comes to hsv is mind-blowing. They think that we are nasty, filthy, and unclean just because we have this virus. They don't know that this virus is a result of direct skin to skin contact not from bacteria or being unclean. I've always took pride of my personal hygiene habits so I don't consider myself filthy. I really hate the stigma of this disease!

  2. Me and my uncle were sitting around just talking about different things and he brought up a conversation concerning someone he knows has herpes. Well he doesn't know that I have herpes because I hadn't told but only three people. He went on cracking jokes which made me feel awkward. I quickly changed the topic of conversation. Well about two weeks after low and behold, he develops a cluster of cold sores on his lips. Talk about instant karma lol. People need to be careful of what they speak on because who knows, you just might end up being just like the person who u were making fun of.

  3. I've had hsv1 ever since I was a kid. I now have hsv2. I contracted hsv2 about six years ago and I must say that it devastated me. I am not quite sure but I believe I contracted it from my now ex wife. On the day of our divorce we had sex, I know it sounds crazy but yeah anyways, three days afterwards my body started feeling really weird. I knew something was wrong. I didn't get an initial outbreak until a week later. Now that was a double whammy, a divorce from the woman I truly loved and to be hit with the news that I now have hsv2. I've managed to finally accept it but I still have days where I get depressed. As time goes on I've noticed that my outbreaks are few and far between. So I just want to say this, the worst part of this virus to me is the embarrassment. The physical part of it really doesn't bother me. So keep your head up, things will get better with time.

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