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Posts posted by Shanshine

  1. Whether or not it's HSV1 or HSV2, you are going to get herpes blisters on whatever location you were exposed. My mom gets a herpes OB on her nose every time she gets a sunburn. I doubt she knows (or cares) which type it is...but she certainly isn't happy when it pops up. In my *humble* opinion, typing doesn't matter if you are honest with your partner that you have herpes so they are aware of the risks since they can both go to either location.

  2. This likely sounds like HSV2 to me, but getting a blood test specifically for HSV1 and HSV2 will determine I you have it. We can speculate all day about what it could be or you could get tested and just find out. There is no shame if you have it, but it's important to educate yourself and prevent transmission to future partners.

  3. @thumper based on your posts above, I am pretty sure it's your personality that is keeping you from getting laid or having someone go down on you, not H. By the way, have you ever tried the H positive dating sites?? Anyway, based on your posts, you are angry and lash out at people when you are frustrated. I can only imagine how much worse your attitude is in person. You were abusive to @Bambina and she was just trying to help!! My advice is that you should see a therapist and get cognitive behavioral therapy to control your emotions. Once you have your emotions in check, you will be able to attract a man who actually likes you and H won't matter.

  4. Thank you for the support, herpaderp. I truly appreciate it. I am working on my exit plan now. I have contacted a few lawyers about this and think that I have found one who will work for me. I also disclosed to him that my husband gave me H and that's why I have stayed for so long. The attorney didn't flinch and I felt comfortable with him because of his non reaction...like it wasn't a big deal...although he said he understood my feelings. This is all just so scary and I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life, but as my therapist said, "you are alone most of the time anyway, if you move out it would be the same, but without the abuse." That really opened my eyes...but I am still really scared. Another good thing about leaving would be that I could get another dog to replace the one my husband made me give up for adoption...


    I am sure work will get less uncomfortable soon...plus, even if my friend told people at work, I doubt my other co-workers would believe him, so that gives me some comfort. I've been at my dream job for almost 9 years, so I just need to keep a low profile for a while...

  5. Thank you for the response. I have been in therapy for years to deal with this. We even went to couples therapy. My husband is a narcissistic high powered attorney in LA...i have a good career which I can't leave because it is not something I can replace and make the same amount of money. I have no where to turn...this is such a bad situation....my husband is a control freak who has crippled me financially and sexually because of this....I signed a prenup which "only hurts me" according to my lawyer, but I was 7.5 months pregnant and he gave me herpes, so what decision did I have...I was independent, but he had taken all that away...including my dog. It's just so hard to leave and the herpes makes it worse! Now the rejection from my dear friend....I just can't deal with this on my own....

  6. In 2010 my boyfriend gave me herpes, I got pregnant not long after and we got married. My now husband admitted that he lied to me....additionally, he has always been abusive....emotionally, psychologically and physically. I have really only stayed because of the herpes (didn't know which type at the time). it has been almost 7 years of hell.


    A good friend from work, a man who I have always admired, took me aside one day because I was crying at work...he told me he loved me and wanted me to leave my husband because he wanted to take me away from the abuse. He pursued me relentlessly for months....I finally disclosed to him that I would leave, but that i had herpes...he shamed me and told me I put him at risk (I only kissed him)....he told me I was uneducated about studs, but I told him that I had educated myself....he told me that was disgusted by me. He text me a few days later and said he loved me and wanted to be with me.


    We both got tested for all stds and I veridied my results which was HVS2. He said he was ok with it. We planned a night to be intimate (protected and with valtrex), but then the night before he picked a fight with me and said really mean things to me like "he'd never expose his son to a person like me"....how is that even relevant?!? He said he was done with me. He hasn't spoken to me for over 3 weeks....the rejection hurts so much. We work together and it is so hard to see him...I am calling in sick to work a lot because I just can't deal with this emotionally....and I am so worried that he'll tell other people at work. I am just devastated that the ONE person that I thought would understand has rejected me like I am a lepor. Now I don't even have him as a friend anymore....I am so crushed....I really hate myself...I need advice please

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