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  1. I've only been having breaks for 3 months but when do they begin to subside I'm out breaking again. I'm medicated but I'm rationing my pills because I'm in a long distance relationship and when we see each other every other weekend I need to have intercourse. But it's making day to day difficult because even when I'm taking my daily dose I ob. It makes it hard to go to the gym and just live. Help
  2. I and a 24 year old single mom in the middle of a divorce. I found out I had HSV 2 in August along with my first outbreak and I was initially upset... I mean I can't imagine someone being enthralled finding out. I went straight to educating myself about how to cope with and prevent as well as treat my outbreaks. I have been lucky because I've casually dated and selectively told my potential suitors about my HSV and haven't had one ill response. I have engaged in sexual activity since finding out but I recently have gotten in to a monogamous relationship with a man who isn't a carrier. I'm so terrified of giving it to him even though I know what the twinge feels like and I disclosed the statistics of transmission and communicated how prevelent it really is... I'm terrified I'm going to end up giving it to him without even knowing. My outbreaks seem to be back to back lately but seeing how my divorce turned into a huge mess and a battle for assets it's needless to say stress is a contributing factor. This is a very healthy relationship and I don't want my fear of giving him or giving him my HSV to create issues.
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