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  1. Thanks. I am fortunate not to have it as bad as you! I just took some GABA, which is a precursor to gabapentin (neurontin). We will see if it helps
  2. I meant to also add that another problem I am having is decreased urination? I noticed I am peeing less frequently. I don't feel the need to pee nearly as often despite drinking the same amount of fluid I usually do.
  3. My husband and I have been married 10 years now. I've known about his status since before we had sex. We used a condom until we wanted a baby, but haven't used one since then (our son is almost 10). I was delusional, I guess, to think that perhaps I was somehow immune to H since I had been spared so far. I've had no signs of any infection until a week and a half ago, when I thought maybe I had a UTI, since the first sign was painful urination. I had my annual OBGYN appt the next week so I just held out, but noticed that things were pretty sore down there, though I did not see any blisters or anything. At the appt she saw what looked like little cuts, and did a swab, which came back positive for HSV2. I have been able to go to work, although it hasn't been easy since besides the quite painful urination, the worst part has been that my lower back, buttocks, and the backs of my legs are quite backs of my legs are painful to touch as well. Today seems worse, despite having taken 6 doses of 1g of valtrex so far. Sitting and even lying down on my back hurts, and walking isn't a picnic either. Does that nerve pain get worse before it gets better? I haven't see a lot of talk about that pain during the first OB. I am hoping it doesn't come back with recurrent OBs, but then I am also hoping I don't get any more OBs!! It never hurts to be positive, right?
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