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Posts posted by Max_G

  1. Hi guys


    Thanks for sharing...I'm in a slump but this article says a lot. I'm still going through my issues with h/ other medical issue that I'm hoping isn't anything serious and worse of all after 5 months of having been broken up with my ex the last three months have been horrible. I feel like that annoying ex girlfriend. I didn't think I would be like this. The last few days I feel sooo depressed, scared, lost and hopeless. I feel as though nothing good will come my way. I know I need start making changes and start loving myself all the time. But it's a work in process.

  2. Thanks Beckie. Since that incident I think I'm going through prodome. And today my throat feels weird. Not sure if its related to the h. Hope not. I'm just scared and nervous. Since I've read that it's easy to contract hiv having herpes. I'm scared I may have something else. I was tested in feb 2013. Tears when I was told I had h. I only had sex 2 times since than. One with my ex bf that I had recently broken up with in dec. we used protection. And then that quick incident with an old ex. Yesterday night I fell a bit depressed. With everything thinking about my future and what's to come.

  3. Hi


    I am in the same situation. I'm freaking out bc I went back to my hometown to visit family. I while I was there I went to party had some drinks and I was feeling nice. I saw my ex from years ago. We started making out, I kept saying we shouldn't bc we didn't have a condom. And one think led to the next and for maybe les than a minute he was in me and I got nervous jumped off. I haven't noticed any symptoms. But today I think I am. I'm not sure if its me being paranoid or if I really am. I feel horrible and Adrial said it best. It's the integrity. I think I'm in denial about this. I really hope I didn't pass this to him.

  4. So visited my hometown past weekend. I went to a party and had some drinks which made me a bit tipsy. I kinda hooked up with an ex. And only for a few seconds he was in me. I pulled back and told him no. We couldn't. I don't believe I had any symptoms. So I really hope I didn't pass it to him. I feel horrible. I'm soooo stupid. I think I'm in denial. Today I feel a bit weird there. Not sure if its bc I'm traveling and I may get my period.

  5. Hi,


    I am also new to this. Back in late February I was diagnosed with hsv1. I am still adjusting and doing my reading. But I have to agree with Stephaniews, you can't let it take over. If h is all we have it won't kill us. It could be worse. I just turned 27 i have my wholelife ahead of me. Im not going to let this be barrier.


    After I notified my friend who I slept with. He claims he doesn't have it but he is planning to get tested. He didn't make a big fuss and told me if he doesn't have it he wouldn't let that be an issue between us if we did decide to date. It felt nice hearing him mention the things I have to offer.


    Now this past Sunday I reconnected with my ex. We broke up in December. After spending a couple of hours with him. He wanted to make out and have sex and I kept avoiding it. Scared to tell him about the h. Then as I was telling him I really couldn't mess around I told him about the h. Again not sure if I got it from him or the guy I slept with this year. They both claim to have been tested( not sure if hsv included in test). And they show no symptoms. He was understanding and before I left he even mentioned the possibility of us trying to get back together. I ad,MIT I did tear up when I told him. But I had too. Not sure if he is planning to research hsv and then decide but he gave me hope.


    So far I have only told 3 people. It took me weeks to tell my best friend but she is fine and has not distanced her self from me. Granted we live in different states. S far I have not received rejection. Will I ever probably. But it's ok. H seems to be very common and easy to get it can happen to anyone. For the most part I practice safe sex. Wen I was with y ex didn't always use protection. The last I was with I used protection. I always got checked by my dr and never had an std. This has definitely been an eye opener. It sucks but could be worse. I like the comparison of it being a skin condition. It makes it easier to accept and explain. We are not the first or the last. Hopefully there will be a cure.


    My doctors weren't that useful with providing information. I had to research through sites like this and others similar.


    I had found if you are irritated in your vaginal area a vinegar bath really helps. All you need is two cups of white vinegar. I've also tried oatmeal baths too.


    Right now I'm not on daily meds. On and off I have taken lysine. Just one pill a day. I may increase it to 2. I have heard mixed feelings about this. I am also trying raw virgin coconut oil on the area too. I've also been tracking my symptoms.


    Best of luck

  6. Thanks Adrial. It's difficult I'm new at this. I've never had an std before and it just happens that my first is a keeper. I have never been promiscuous at all and I'm only 27. I'm really scared to see how my body and herpes will live together. I want to have a normal sex life when I meet the right person. I enjoy sex like any other person does.


    I'm always stressed with family, work and life. I am working on managing this. Yesterday I freaked out, I went to my little cousins bday party. As soon as I walkin the door my aunt, whom I live with, asks "what do u have on your lip. I've been trying to figure that out". Mind you it's finally getting better its taken over 7 days and still recovering :(. I freaked out and got paranoid. I made sure not to kiss anyone hello, I'm Latin and live in south Florida. Lots of kisses are exchanged.


    I have to start exercising and eating better. Since my first visit to the gyno I've lost like 10lbs. I was very nervous with my follow up assuming the worse.


    I'm also confused as to who I got this from. I ended my relationship of almost two years end of December. With him we would use condoms on an off, which I sooooo regret, But I know the condoms only protect so much with herpes. Then end of January I hooked up twice with an old friend. He seems to be very cautious and he claims he never tested positive for anything. In fact he was tested in jan. he claims I was the only person he was with for 2013. Both times when we had sex there was a condom. And from what I can recall I don't believe I received any oral from him on both occasions and I didn't give any. Sorry if this is TMI. I asked my gyno if she thought I could have gotten this from my ex and she said not really since my results showed a low count. All though in the last year I was having issues down under but I was told it was just bacteria/ yeast. Not sure if these were minor breakouts or nothing.


    I am not daily suppressive meds, I want to see if this is a once in a blue moon occurrence. Not sure if this is the right decision. What do you think?


    I purchased lysine and I am taking 1k mg a day to see if this helps. I am waiting on my coconut oils and plan on using that everywhere. I'm still feeling irritated in my genitals, not sure if I have another infection of some sort. But I soaked in the tub with vinegar. And tonight I plan on soaking in an oatmeal bath. If by the middle of the week I'm still irritated I plan making another appt with the gyno. I've contributed so much money to the doctors it's pretty depressing. Thank god for my job and having health insurance. I hope I always have it.


    Sorry for rambling on but I needed to vent.

  7. Oh I'm also using the brand Jason to wash. Should I change it? I'm scared if use a bar soap I will spread the outbreak areas. I wash my genital area with latex gloves to avoid skin to skin contact.

  8. On feb 20 I was diagnosed with hsv1 due to a sore in my genital area. I was but on meds for about 10 days. A few days before my follow up I broke out on my upper lip. I went to my gyno to get my blood work results she didn't see my genitals. She put me on a high dose of meds for three days. My original sore seems to be better. I still have some itchiness, tingling, irritable feeling. My upper lips seems to be getting better still have the tingling and itch feeling there. Just last night I noticed what looks like a white head on my bikini area. It seems that one area is getting better and then another area is breaking out. This is frustrating. About three days ago I started taking lysine as I read this can help. Is this normal or should I call my dr? Has anyone used lysine or even coconut oil? I placed an order of coconut oil has I read it helps with break outs too. I am not on daily suppressive therapy as I want to see how my body does, I'm hoping well with one breakout every few years.

  9. On February 20 I had a culture taken at my gynos office in my genital area and it was tested positive for hsv1. Took meds it seems to be a bit better. I still get tingling feeling and I notice white marks in the area. About a 1.5 weeks ago my upper lips broke out it seems to finally be healing slowly. Just last night I noticed little white bumps that almost look like white heads in my bikini line. Does this mean it is spreading? I thought I was done. I'm not on valtrex, as I took the prescribed doses and I'm done. Right now I'm choosing not to take suppressive meds, I want to see how I do on my own. Not sure if that's a good idea or not. About 3 days ago I started to to take 1000mg of Lysine. I read this helps. I'm lost confused uncertain and I want to make sure I'm doing everything right. When I wash the genital area I use latex gloves and I'm using the brand Jason to wash. Please help

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