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  1. I hadn't seen that pamphlet it's good thanks. I am curious though, if I did contract Type 2, what are the chances I have it with NO SYMPTOMS yet? I mean no itching or burning or outbreak etc I am aware that I can have it without knowing but I have been conscious and have had NO symptoms at all.
  2. I had safe sex (condom) with a girl with type 2 herpes exactly 9 weeks ago. We both had unprotected oral sex. She had no symptoms or outbreak and had had type 1 and 2 for a long time i think. I have had no symptoms at all after 9 weeks. No outbreak or itching or burning. What are the chances of me being infected with type 2 but having no symptoms at all. I already had type 1 and don't ever remember a symptom. I'm nearly 40.
  3. Sorry i meant i rear that the window period for using can be anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months. I know there lots of information around and legitimacy will vary but i read it here https://www.stdtestexpress.com/herpes-tests/ I'll definitely be going back in a few months to check again.
  4. And ive read that there can be anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months. Is that not accurate?
  5. I Dint think I'll be asking her to use antivirals but we'll definitely use condoms. Are the chances really that low for somebody with no outbreak? Those stats were for getting hsv2 through penetrative sex right? All assuming no outbreaks
  6. So I've just been diagnosed with Type 1 after a blood test. A girl I was with a month ago told me she has both so I went for a blood test but yes I know I could have had it for ages. I've never had any outbreaks or symptoms. We had protected sex but not unprotected oral sex. My question is, now that I have Type 1, Do I not have to worry about getting type 1 "again". Does it mean I won't "get" Type 1 herpes if I give unprotected oral sex to someone else with Type 2? Or can a new infection cause it to get worse? (might sound 'silly' but I'm sure there are lots of silly questions from newbies). I am aware of the risk of catching other Stis yes but am specifically asking about herpes. Can I still get Type 2 now or am I more "immune" to that since I have antibodies already? What are the chances/risks? I know that using condoms greatly reduces this risk but will be seeing this girl again and want to make an informed decision.
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