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  1. thank you WCSDancer2010 I'm not sure I'm out of the clear. Its now been 11 days since the one time intercourse and I still feel really red, sore and tender on one side. I am constantly checking myself to see if there is anything new. I'm not sure if maybe I'm creating some of the soreness by constantly checking myself. Sometimes 5-6 times a day. I think I may see some red spots. Not white, maybe 2 spots I see. But its very uncomfortable when I'm sitting down. It doesn't burn when I urinate, and I don't feel itchy although at times I think it is. I've been reading and reading. I know I need to be retested. In the mean time I've reconciled with my husband and he's wondering why I wont be intimate with him. I've used every excuse in the book. I'm crying and crying praying I don't have anything & I can start trying to work on my marriage. Sorry to go on. Thanks for your response
  2. I took the blood test 3 days after encounter
  3. the results said 0.91 equivocal for both HSV 1 & HSV 2 IgG
  4. Little on Back Story: Was married for 17 years, recently separated and my first encounter was unprotected. HUGE mistake. I immediately went in to have a full panel of STD test including HSV 1 & HSV 2 IGG post 3 days of intercourse with new person. My results came back 0.91 equivocal. My doctor kept saying you have NO lesions or sores, bumps. It's negative, but I did feel raw and she said it could be because it was a new sex partner and maybe our body chemistry didn't mesh well. I'm freaked out by this result because its not exactly a NEG. I've read the literature and it does say that it could take months for antibodies to build and show a true positive. Could I have had this result the whole time for past 17 years? My husband did have multiple affairs but I've never had anything weird going on in my genital area, I've never had a cold sore or anything like that and I've never seen it on my husband either. Now I keep checking myself, every weird bump is scaring me. My lips feel tingly and I'm scared that means I'm getting a lip sore. I asked the new person do I have anything to worry about and of course he said No don't worry I don't have anything. I'm not 8 days post new encounter and don't have sores or anything. Could this 0.91 be a positive?
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