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  1. Okay. Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.
  2. Okay. I have an appointment scheduled tomorrow morning bc earlier as I was flipping out I figured I needed another appointment to ask the questions I didn't ask Monday.
  3. I don't know what he requested bc he's not really telling me specifics. He said he just asked to be tested for heroes. I did not have a blood test done just a swab that came back today as positive but she did not leave the type on the voicemail. He admitted to sleeping with two other women in the past two months that we've slept together so I understand that we both could be newly infected and that is how his test came back negative. I guess I'm just really concerned on who I need to tell. I 100% think this came from him. But if it didn't I need to tell the man I slept with prior last year that I have this bc what if I exposed him to it too and then he exposes someone else and I just can't imagine being the cause of how I feel right now to someone else.
  4. I was just diagnosed with Herpes. I had a horrible outbreak about five days after I had sex with someone I've been talking to for a few months. I was literally bed bound for a few days. He said he got a blood test and was told it was negative. He doesn't know any details on what type of blood test. But would someone please shed light on this? How is he negative? I've done in insane amount of research and I get people live with it and do not know but my dr was pretty confident this infection was transmitted about two weeks ago due to the severity. I'm not looking to place blame on him that's not my hopes. I just want to make sure he is really clear of it for anyone in the future if him and I decide to part ways one day.
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