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  1. @wcsdancer2010 & @2legit2quit = my favorite people... So I think my first outbreak is .."gone". No scabs. No raised bumps. But it is still really pink where those spots where. Almost looks like a scar. No open skin. Just pink marks where they were. Does my 7-10 days of no sexual contact start when scabs are gone or start when those marks are gone? Are those pink scars/marks/etc normal?
  2. Thanks for the input @WCSDancer2010 . Let me giving you a better time line so you can understand why a swab wasn't taken and my story .. Feb 17 (wed) - Unprotected sex with my partner for some time Feb 20-21 (sat and sunday) Pain deep in vagina. Rough sex pain? So I thought. Then it started burning a little when I peed. But from feeling raw (no sores, I checked). I, of course, assumed a strain of yeast infection and got Monistat 1. Feb 22-24 Monday - Wednesday still burns but getting better each day. The Monistat must be working! *Let it be noted I started itching at the top my vulva. So the whole time I was putting the cream that comes with the monistat all over my itchy spots. Miconazole Nitrate 2%. I'm lathering 6 times a day with this stuff. Paying no mind to the 1-2 times a day on the tube. I should know better because I'm allergic to everything. EVERYTHING! Feb 24 - Wednesday Night - I noticed bumps forming. Red. Pimple type. I apply more Miconazole. By Friday the 26th - it looked like a blister. Herpes crossed my mind until I researched Miconzole Nitrate and saw that allergic reaction happens along with "Blistering, redness, skin rash, burning" happens to some people. Friday 26th-Sunday28th: I thought this was skin irritation from the cream. I called my doc on monday to see if she could look at it and give me something else to treat it. They couldn't see me until Wednesday. It started healing and drying up by then. I went anyways and she saw the scab and said "Looks like herpes simplex and yeast". I trust her but ..... both!? Just so simple and matter of fact. There wasn't any scabs/sores to swab. She gave me the pill for yeast, 7 days treatment of 1g of Valtrex, and daily rx for Valtrex 500mg to start after I finish the 7 day. Oh & a $200 acyclovir cream (god bless insurance). And that's that! I told her I wanted a blood test to confirm and we decided we would do that at my annual pap in two weeks and insurance would cover it all. After reading stories on here and doing more research on my "visual" diagnosis -I decided to wait until June for my annual exam and herpes testing to make it more accurate. Assuming I could have gotten it from the current guy (whose body I know up and down an have never seen an outbreak and he swears he doesn't KNOW he has anything..) I'm better today than I was yesterday. I can live with it. It's not that big of a deal. To me. I'm just scared shitless that I will pass it to a partner... no matter how much I protect us. That is a tough pill to swallow....
  3. Cool. Thank you again. I decided after research that i should wait a few months for official blood test just incase this is new. Wouldn't that be best if this is a new infection and assuming I haven't had it for years? I want the most accurate answer..
  4. Thank you so much for the response @2legit2quit . Very comforting. I don't have anyone and I'm not looking. I have a "situation" that serves both of us well in our busy lives - but it's not serious and its not NOT serious. But I have caught myself worrying about the future if I do decide to settle down. The shock has worn off. Are there any vitamins that people find are helpful with Valtrex? Or Valtrex alone "enough". I mean more for a "overall" healthy H life vs keeping it at bay.
  5. I was diagnosed today (visually). I am a 33 year old female. It shouldn't have been as much of a shocker as it was. I FELT in my heart (& in google's heart) that I had it. One week of very small pain and two blister/sores. Gave me the initial 7 day dose of Valtrex & cream. I go for blood work in two weeks when I have my annual pap. I expressed my want for daily Valtrex, which I will start in seven days. I've allowed myself hours to cry, feel dirty, gross, etc. I've researched for a whole week prior to today but still have some questions that only people going thru it can help me with . . . - Are female to male transmission rates really as low as it seems? I can live with what has happened to me. I cannot live with the fact that I give it to another. I will be on daily medicine for it Can I have sex again without fear and guilt? - Assuming it is HSV 2 (still to come, but assuming) - should I avoid having someone perform oral sex on me? Obviously I know with sores - no way.. but... ? - When am I allowed to have sex again? I am getting mixed reviews. I've read after you're healed all the way to waiting 6 months!? I've watched several videos on here. I've read several stories. Anything anyone (esp females that have had it long term) can provide me about my severe transmission fear will be very much appreciated. Thank you
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