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Everything posted by ashamedmom

  1. Thank you both for the advice! ! I'll give the Epsom salt baths a try! ! I got the call yesterday that I have type 1 down below vs type 2 because my boyfriend has type 1 orally and because of good ole oral sex. It got passed down below as type 1 I appreciate the comfort and kind words so much! !
  2. So yesterday I got the dreaded news no woman (or man) wants to hear...I got diagnosed with herpes. As I've read there are two types, and I'm still waiting on results to see which I am. But my doctor says "there's no doubt in my mind..that's herpes " I feel disgusting and humiliated. I have so many questions. First... HOW DO I PEE !? I can not urinate without thee most unbearable pain I've ever felt. And I've given birth drug free. The least painful way I've found is holding a cold cloth as tight to the sore areas as possible so my urine doesn't contact it as badly. And pour warm water on myself as I do go. Any advice to subside the burning when I pee is much appreciated. As that's pretty much the only time it hurts unless touching it. Secondly TRANSMITTING IT TO MY CHILD ? possible or no? My son is 3 so I wasn't infected while pregnant or when I gave birth. I just became infected recently. Am I still able to kiss him, share drinks, food, and chapstick without fearing he catches it? I'm just not entirely informed of all the possible ways to transfer this horrendous disease and I'm terrified of passing it to my son. I'm sure I'll have more questions over time but those are my two biggest. Someone please help: ( I'm a 21 year old mom and I feel lost and disgusting.
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