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Posts posted by Zisim

  1. I've kind of been going through a similar situation. After my first outbreak for genital herpes my skin had become really sensitive, and it's still a little painful to have sex for entry for me. One thing that does help is water based lubricants. It's supposed to be better to used water based because others may cause irritation and micro tears which could trigger a break out. I'm not sure if you have prophylactics like valtrex daily or not, but if not maybe take a dose of you have some rough sex on the chance that it irritated you once you get back into the swing of things. Feel free to message me

  2. So I was just recently diagnosed with HSV, sadly they haven't gotten back to me yet about which simplex. From the sounds of it I most likely have simplex two because I got my first outbreak on my genitals. I'm in a long term monogamous relationship and my boyfriend is incredibly supportive and is here for the long haul and also wants to continue unprotected sex. After my first OB I finally tried to have sex again but I couldn't because it began to really hurt. I think it's just because I've somewhat lost my sex drive since the diagnosis and couldn't generate enough lubrication combined with my skin being much more sensitive since I've healed along with him being large for me. I guess I'm looking for some advice because my sex life is an important part of the relationship for me, intimacy in general is. I'm also pretty confused about oral sex because we both like to engage in it regularly but now I'm scared of transferring the virus to other parts of my body or his. I'd really appreciate some advice on how to be able to enjoy my sex life again. Also what kind of lube would be best?

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