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  1. Okay everyone, so I still haven't told him. I know I am greater than this. I wish I just knew what his reaction was going to be in advance!
  2. Thank you for your support. It really does help having these forums around, glad I discovered them.
  3. I'm really going to try and keep all of that in mind, I'm more afraid he will be upset because he has already touched me down there before I told him. I'm telling him tonight, so I am going to stay as positive as possible about everything. I know how to do it, like I've said, I've done it before...but this one is the hardest so far.
  4. I've been positive for about five years now with hsv2. I recently started dating this guy who I have actually known for a while. We have been seeing eachother for about two months. We havent had sex because I am avoiding it and I will not let him go down on me. I am on daily suppressive therapy and I rarely to never get OBs anymore. He has touched me underneath my underwear though. THE PROBLEM IS, I AM HAVING SO MUCH TROUBLE TELLING HIM!!! I DONT KNOW HOW TO! I have told guys in the past and it was so easy and for some reason...This one is the hardest because I think I am in love with him! So I just got an outbreak yesterday for the first time in 5 or 6 months. I am going to see him on wednesday and I know I have to tell him then. I cant keep avoiding sexual contact. I know he is probably going to wonder why eventually because I am so attracted to him on so many levels and we have such a deep connection. Im so scared he is just going to walk now...I just want to cry.
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