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Posts posted by janedoe

  1. I think it is called autoinnoculation. Well one time I was having an cold sore and picking it nonstop. I ended up with a cold sore in my chin. But I have cold sores many many times and now I dont touch them, they stay at the exact same place. It is a tiny thing to keep in mind but as long as you wash your hands after you touch an OB it is nothing to worry abt.

  2. If you touch an active outbreak then touch your lips or mouth or genitals or eyes then yes you can have it in there as well. However, virus dies shortly after it leaves the body. Also, I think there is a greater risk in the first few months of infection. So things to do:

    - wash your hands with soap and water if you touch an active outbreak. Water and soap kills the virus immediately.

    - keep the OB areas clean and dry (less oozing)


    Dont worry about this too much. When you are not having an OB, the chance of carrying the virus to different parts of your body is small (dont rub your eyes even when you are not having an OB). This question is asked before many many times. You can search it.

  3. @Scared16 My asymptomatic giver told me that he thought herpes blisters would look like puss filled sores oozing all the time. The emotional part that he is going through was hard to watch too. Thank you google images I guess :) I explained to him that mine looked exactly like razor burns and just itched for like a week and he said " well, I have them all the time, they are nothing, so I guess, this is not a big deal ". What I am saying is that Google and inadequate information almost made him suicidal, imagine the impact that they have on public now and if all the asymptomatic people were diagnosed overnight. Those scare tactics aren't helping anyone. I am not even reading those sites anymore. Don't read them.

  4. Also I am taking probiotics and lysine supplements. I eat lots of fruits and yogurt, am trying to boost my immune system. I started antivirals (acyclovir -thank god it is working well for me) right away so I was in clear in 10 days but what I understand is sometimes it takes a while till the symptoms are gone. Whenever I get stressed, my OB site starts to tingle, it is like an early warning system. Hang in there. It will get better. Give yourself some time, eat well and don't stress yourself too much abt this.

  5. Well, when the blisters were forming I immediately noticed them. I was so worried abt herpes before all of this so when I had any weird sensations down there, I always checked. Next day, I went to PP and nurse practitioner told me the lesions looked herpetic so I started treatment right away. Lesions dissappeared in aweek but those sensations continued for appr. 10 days. Antivirals helped me a lot. Maybe you should talk to your Dr abt taking antivirals.

  6. Well, it seems that they did a cost/benefit analysis and decided panicking the asymptomatic people by diagnosing them isn't worth the risk. It is amazing. The doctors are soooo relaxed abt this, I just cant believe it. My giver recently visited his doctor to get the test and I am told that his doctor was so relaxed abt this. He even told him that "Most of the population has one strain or another, it is really not a big deal." On the other hand I see their reasoning too. He (my giver) is so stressed abt this now even though he is not having any symptoms. He told me that "I feel dirty, unlovable and ashamed. How did this happened to ME?" I guess he is going through the emotional part right now and it is not easy to watch. He is completely depressed.

  7. You are absolutely right abt the CDC and the medical community. After much discussion w/ my giver and reviewing his health records (he shared them) I learned that he actually requested a full STI panel when we started seeing each other. But his doctor didn't test him for herpes. So, in the bigger scheme of things, I can't really blame my giver. Wrongly implemented sexual health policies brought me here.


    You are also right about starting a discussion. When I first diagnosed the biggest challenge for me is to put a face to the disease. I didn't care about the name, we can call it sillypimples or other names (I actually call it herpy). What I needed is to see other people, hear their stories and understand that life goes on, you can do anything you want after diagnosed. I am so greatful to Adrial and WCSDancer. Especially, Adrial's videos helped me a lot. After reading discussions, handouts and watching Adrial's videos I thought to myself "Hey, he has this virus too and he has an awesome life. Everything is going to be okay."


    What everybody needs is a healthy discussion and correct information abt herpes. Anything that stops this stupid policy CDC employs and this wrong impression and information surrounding herpes such as people with herpes are sluts or you can catch herpes from a toilet seat (don't get me started abt google images abt herpes). So, like @WCSDancer2010 said we need to stand up, make this a hot issue and give the public correct information then the stigma will fade away because public will see this is not a big deal and there is nothing to be afraid of.


    Ask people what pops into their heads when you say the word herpes. Most people imagine oozing sores or really messed up people. You need to change that image not the name. You need to associate the word herpes to the reality - a bunch of red pimples like everyone has in their faces and an ordinary person that continues living his/her life fully.

  8. Yeah, they came and went during my outbreak and a week after that. One night I was convinced that my leg nerves were guitar strings and someone was picking them, it was like they were vibrating :) Vitamin B helped me immensely. I don't have any symptoms now.

  9. So, I am a newbie so I can't speak from experience but I believe that in time this will be a tiny thing in my life like yeast infections (I get them all the time :s). You should read the herpes veterans section. People have this virus longer than I am and they didn't miss anything in life - life, marriage, kids, success you name it. Also, I advise you to watch Adrial's videos too.


    Yes PP is the place the go. Don't stress out yourself more than you need to. Make the appointment, talk to doctors than you can start planning your future. If this is really herpes, it is not a big deal. You will be just fine.

  10. Also, if you are referring to your past partners by "them", herpes isn't usually included in the regular STI panel. So, if this is herpes, there is a big possibility that although they got tested, their doctors didn't include herpes blood test so they don't know they have it. Sometimes, herpes shows no symptoms but sheds silently. However, like I said you have to take care of yourself first, then you can notify your partners.

  11. I think you should make an appoinment with PP first thing in the morning. They can really help you and they are good at their jobs.


    If this is really herpes, the first outbreak sucks. However antivirals will speed up the healing process and you will feel better soon. After that you can keep it in check and start taking care of yourself. You don't have to suffer in physical pain like this.


    I think you are in panic and aren't making logical decisions right now. Take a deep breath, calm yourself and start making good decisions. Crying in bed and bathroom isn't helping anybody right now. You are not alone, you are reaching out which is good.

  12. So, I inspected the "area", and it looks just fine. I guess stressing about it makes it worse. I read and understood that the stress is usually the cause of outbreaks but until now I didn't realize that it is such a huge part of this. I feel fine now and itching and tingling is gone. I was making myself sick by thinking about it! It is amazing.

  13. 2 weeks ago, when I first got diagnosed I didn't think that the emotional pain would be this big. I still didn't think that my giver meant to give this to me but he certainly behaved like an asshole - he still does.


    Couple of years ago one of my exes went batshit crazy. I caught one of his lies and I broke up with him. Then he started stalking me. He waited hours in front of my house, called my house constantly, threatened me abt telling my colleagues abt our texts... I lost my trust to all humankind. In the end one night I couldn't take it anymore and called the police. An hour later, he ran away crying. I never heard from him again but I got this nasty habit of circling around my house to make sure nobody follows me and never ever share my last name and home address to prospective partners.


    After this incident I remember a talk we had with my sister. I told her " If there is a god, he owes me one. How could he allow this to happen to me?".


    Fast forwarding to 3 weeks ago. I am sitting at the living room of the guy I have been seeing. It is not a serious thing but I thought there is some respect btw us. I just found out that he has been lying to me about his life. That is why I was there. Anyway, SUPRISE: he walked in to the living room - drunk - with another girl. I sat there calmly, waiting for him to understand what is going on. I still remember his face when he understood what was happening. I tried to explain what was happening to the other girl that he lied to us. She yelled at me "Dont talk to me Bit.h!". "Ok lady, I was just trying to warn you" I thought. She left but came back crying an hour later, hoping that she was the one he chose, not me. They talked for an hour, that is when I learned she has herpes too. Recently diagnosed.


    I remember feeling cold inside. Like all the human emotion was sucked out of me. I had no emotional attachment to him. That night, I went to his house for one thing only: closure. I wanted to understand why he lied to me. Nothing more. But he was drunk and in no shape to had a talk about all this. What did I do? I have waited for 8 hours while he slept. I thought "I will be damned if I leave this place without a talk". I needed to understand.


    In the morning I woke him up. First I confronted him about his lie about his life. Then the other girl. Then the herpes. I knew how to hurt him with my words. I talked abt for 3 hours. In that 3 hours I saw how low a humanbeing can sink. Yeah I know there are worse people in the world but in terms of personality, this guy can't even get 1 star. He showed to integrity, no remorse, nothing. He tried to use my words to clear him, he tried to show that he is not responsible in all of this, that he has an excuse. In the beginning of our "relationship" I asked him to be honest with me. "If you are dating anyone else, it is okay but just tell me" I told him. I wasn't sleeping with anyone else during our "relationship" ( I don't know the exact term - a casual thing maybe?) but I wasn't serious about it too so busting him with another girl wasn't a big deal for me. I still giggle when I remember his face that night. :)


    An hour ago, I felt that my heart hurts. It was a strange feeling like I was mourning for someone. Then I realized I am mourning for myself.


    I try to be very careful about not hurting someone on purpose, to not cause pain on other human beings, animals and hell even the nature. To me, hurting someone on purpose in any way is the worst thing that anybody can do. Yet, people still find new ways to hurt and damage me. It is amazing. It is like the more I try not to hurt the world, people hurt me more. I thought there should be a karmic justice to all the people who cause damage to others. Appearently, there isn't one. The pain I felt that was for me. I didn't deserve to be stalked back then and get herpes now. I tried to be a good person and still guess who got herpes? ME. Why? I don't know. Most likely, I was on the left side of the cumulation distribution of the luck curve. It happens.


    What gets me most is that I still didn't get an apology. Something like " Hey, I didn't mean this to happen. I am so sorry for this and I take full responsibility for my actions." I got nothing. I think he is still trying to find excuses for himself. I won't wait for an apology or justice of any kind. I think, life will catch up to him sooner or later. With his personality he will be in worse situations than this. I sincerely hope that they would be painful.


    Meanwhile, I think I am doing better each day. I hope and wish that nothing bad happens to me after this for a long time. I am really tired of being the hero of sad stories.

  14. Hi,


    I have diagnosed hsv2 almost a month ago. My initial OB was on the outer part of my vagina, right side. I am on the antivirals (acyclovir 800 mg a day). I still get the weird tingling sensations on my original site and have a NEW outbreak in the left part near my anus. It doesn't bother me much, it just feels itchy and dry. So my question is will I get outbreaks in the new areas everytime? I thought that the original OB site will be it. Will it be localized after sometime? Will I shed the virus in the boxer shorts area or just the OB sites in the future?


    I got the free ebook and pdf regarding the transmission rates. It says that 1% rate of transmission with condoms+no OBs and antivirals. Is this 1% per sexual act or assumming 2x a week over a year? If it is over a year chance what is the transmission rate per sexual act?


    Lastly, I have been reading the threads and it says that after building some antibodies to the virus (roughly 6 months to a year), my body will get a better control over the virus. Does it mean that I will shed less virus and get less outbreaks say 5 years from now?


    Sorry for the a lot of questions but the more I read, I got more confused. I am a bit of a control freak and I'd feel better if I know what happens in the future. Thanks.

  15. Hi,


    I am a newbie to all this stuff but I know how you feel. Hell, we all know how you feel. Maybe some of us think this way only a second but we all thought it. I thought abt it. Then I thought some nasty stuff abt my giver too. I got angry with life, my luck and the health system. I got depressed, didn't leave my house, didn't eat and sleep. When I slept, I had nightmares. This is not easy and we clearly didn't deserve this s.ht but it happened. Nobody can change what happened to us. What is done is done.


    The thing is nobody in this forum continued feeling this way. After some time, we all got up and started living again. For some of us it took longer, that is all. We are the proof that you can be happy and have a life that you want. Everybody has down days but it is ok.


    Also, you don't need to fight and face this everyday. You just need to accept the fact that this has happened to you. You don't need any explanations to anybody, you are not required to change other's point of view including your parents'. What anybody thinks about you doesn't matter. You are who you are plus a skin condition. That is all.


    So, life threw a sucker punch to your face. It happens. You just need to get up and continue living your life. It seems hard I know. Take one day at a time and be patient. I promise you it will get easier after some time. You just need to start.

  16. I love Scrubs and I watched this episode last night. I was thinking about herpes and I figured, it kind of applies to my fear of rejection and depression abt my diagnosis.

    We all want the magic cure to this. Sadly, there isn't one. I guess we have to start doing the work - accepting ourselves and move forward.


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