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Everything posted by CD3377

  1. I decided to test my disclosure on a few men that I wasn't so interested in: Man 1: We decided not to date, I called to tell him I had blood test with H, but no symptoms or history. What does he think? He says first that men will think I'm damaged and while no one (even him) would care if their girlfriend or person they love has H, it's getting into the relationship that is risky. I told him it's a cold sore, which he realized he has and the 4 % stat. He says that's less than the risk of getting someone pregnant. He realizes he knows a few people with H. Then he says its not that bad, and offers to have something casual with me, which I decline. Man 2: We go on one date, he asks me out again. I ask via text if I can call him and see if it make sense to go out again. I call and say I have this recent blood test for H2 which I' m sorting out. He says thanks for telling me, not a problem he has oral H, too and sets up another date with me .Very nice guy, we go on a few dates but not a match for other reasons. Man 3: We go on a long second date and he moves to fast for me physically, regardless of H. There is weirdness at end of the night where I nicely kick him out. He knew he made a mistake and my intuition is he's a good person. I feel bad about the way it ended so I write a nice note and put it aside ( I sometimes write out my feelings). He texts me a week later and I send him the note and at the end I also write I just had a positive blood test for H and pending working it out with my doc as I have no symptoms etc. He thought it was a nice note and we dated for five months. He was wonderful and it ended for other reasons. I don't recommend telling someone by text or email, but with Man # 3 there was a whole host of issues and I thought a nice, calm note would sort through them and they did. That's the only reason why H was at the end. He told me when he was younger he was freaked out my a girl who told him she had H and didn't date her. All three about have been divorced and dating and they know how hard it is to find someone. They have all run into STD or other issues before. Man 4, was the one I really wanted to date, but married for many years, very little dating experience and could not handle H. He did try and research it and call doctors but he got overwhelmed. I lost him to H because he was moving forward with all sincere intent. I already wrote about this in another post. I do think we sometimes lose great people to H, I want to think this happened for some reason, but in this case, I think it's just bad luck for me.
  2. Thank you both so much. The truth is I don't love the way he handled it but He admitted he was scared and know nothing about STDs. He's 58 and I'm 49z How long did it take your casual partner to come around? It's already been 2 weeks of back and forth. Zion his defense, he was calling a lot of docs and colleagues to try and feel good about it. In the end he said he's just not getting there.
  3. I have a broken heart. I met the perfect guy. He was married for 30 years and has no experience with STDs. We dated for a month and I told him I had a recent test for HSV 2 that came back positive. The doc said I Have to retest because neither I nor anyone else had no symptoms. He said that's ok and he wouldnt "go away" because of it. We a we're intimate with protection after that. He kept telling me he can't find a flaw in me and was courting me. Week later test is positive and he's very upset.He goes away to research it again and I give him information. He comes over again a week later and struggles with it and were intimate again.He calls doc and friends and says he just can't be comfortable with it because he looked online at what might happen if he gets a major outbreak. Tonight we talk on the phone and it's over.I told him it's a low chance he'll have terrible break outs or even catch it if I have meds and because he has added protection with his HSV1. He can't grasp that HSV1 is herpes too. I doubt I'll ever here from him again but told him he could always revisit this if he can grasp the facts. Has anyone experienced someone reconsidering down the road? It's so hard for me to go from perfect for him to dropped.
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