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Posts posted by downtomars

  1. I tested positive at 37 and will be 39 in a few days. I have never had a genital OB. was in a relationship at the time of diagnosis but we've gotten really distant since. I haven't even thought about dating and the thought of disclosing scares me to death. I hope to find the right person eventually, someone that is accepting and won't judge me or care..but not quite open to the idea of even entertaining anyone yet.

  2. I understand that you are extremely worried, as we all have been in that moment,but try to stay in the present or at least don't drive yourself crazy thinking about the numerous possibilities. I think you should wait for the results and then have the talk with him to address any concerns (if they are still evident). You may endure this conversation now and end up with negative results (God Willing). Maybe he is thinking about it also, but him analyzing the potential situation and maybe being in a pensive state of mind doesn't necessarily equate that he is planning an exit or that he will leave you. He also told you he wouldn't leave for that reason so trust his word and try to relax and shift your thoughts to something more positive until you have the results in hand. All the best

  3. A HUGE Congrats to you on your continued progress and weight loss of course. My doctor here in Miami, is actually very well educated about HSV, and offers great advice, he actually has his office listed as an STD clinic and encourages those talks. If you're ever in town (or can contact him by email maybe), he is pretty awesome. I do find however that unless you're suffering from many OB's, you aren't really taken too seriously. It's like you're not physically debilitated so just deal with it - and that sucks because the mental part is just as debilitating if not worse at times.

    I'm 38 and I've never had a genital OB, only some blisters on my elbow for at about 17 years. I tested positive for HSV-2 through a blood test about a year ago because my then bf got tested and was positive. I never made the correlation between my elbow and the possibility of HSV prior to him giving me that news and now I'm waiting for the next elbow blister so that I can have it swabbed and confirm if its even that.

    I think of the idea of having to disclose and I just haven't been able to conquer it yet, so dating is not on my list of to do's - at least not for now.

  4. Hello everyone - so I've had this blister that pops up on my right elbow when I'm stressed or not well rested. It first appeared maybe 17-18 years ago. The doctor I went to back then was old school and I was about 20 years old, he said it was a simplex of herpes but described it as dormant virus you get through chicken pox (the way shingles are described now), he never mentioned it being an STD. I have never had any other type of outbreak, genital or otherwise and never had been specifically tested for HSV 1 or 2 that I can recall. About 13 months ago, my BF told me he tested positive for HSV2 which prompted me to also get tested and my results were positive. Could the blister on my elbow be the HSV2 ? I want to have a swab done but I haven't had one pop up in over a year. Any info is greatly appreciated.

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