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Posts posted by IsWhatItIs

  1. Yes! I was taking 500mg daily for 6 months; and developed thinning that progressed into a bald spot at the crown of my head. My doctor acknowledges hair loss is a known side affect, though rare. I discontinued suppressive therapy and after two months the hair started to grow back. Downside is the outbreaks return monthly with my period.

  2. I'm taking Lo Loestrin Fe. My period is a definite trigger for me. On this bc my period last month was shorter and lighter. The prodomes that were driving me nuts have greatly diminished, a few random leg sensations here and there... but no outbreak.


    Also want to note... I attempted to wean myself from Valtrex. And I experienced an outbreak very similar to my primary outbreak. So I am back on the 500mg daily, but was given a 90 day prescription to increase to 1000mg during outbreaks.

  3. Testing is the best option. I will say, I have seen a herpes outbreaks on the back and buttocks, while at the time I didn't know what it was. I actual commented and questioned my giver, and thought it to be an allergic reaction. Later my giver admitted to having mat herpes as a young man. Which is HSV-2, and played ignorant regarding its contagious nature.

  4. I'm now a year post first outbreak and 8 months on suppressive therapy. Curious if anyone else has/ had experience with frequent outbreaks while on suppressive therapy.


    I currently take Valtrex 500mg daily, but I'm experiencing outbreaks, like clockwork. Every month: week 1) I have prevalent prodomes (tingles, burning, itchiness and swollen groin), week 2): get my period, week 3) outbreak on perineum (a special kind of discomfort)... if I'm lucky I get a couple of days (3-5) of peace. Then is starts all over again!


    It's frustrating, trying to find normalcy when I'm in a neverever ending cycle of "having an outbreak or just getting over it". Makes me wonder if the meds are effective. And if it is, if I stop suppressive therapy, could things be worse than monthly outbreaks?


  5. I'm a fitness instructor and weight train 5 days a week. Fitness has helped me maintain a sense of normalcy (routine) since my diagnosis last June. During my first outbreak, while I wanted to workout, I couldn't will or rush my body to do so. A couple of days after the sores cleared, my energy level increased and general achiness disappeared.

    Personally outbreaks affect my workouts in terms of: what I wear... self explanatory: no compression pants, biking shorts, thongs, etc. Supplements I take and avoid. I favor cycling for cardio; but, avoid it during obs, as my obs are always on my perineum. The contact with the saddle causes too much discomfort. HIIT workouts on the treadmill are a go to during these times.

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