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  1. Can HPV be contracted during "safe sex"?
  2. I'm 24 and have had cold sores my entire life (bad). Last weekend I had protected sex with someone who also claimed to be "clean". A bit of oral sex was involved on my part, but we used a condom. Also, we were both under the influence of alcohol. I am careful about having safe sex and always asking my partner about any STD. About three days ago I noticed a small flesh colored bump on my outer labia. I get prescribed acyclovir for my bad cold sore outbreaks and have been taking it for three days to see if anything would happen to resolve the bump. The bump has remained the same and is not very itchy, nor has it changed in color or size. It is sensitive to the touch but not particularly painful as I know my oral herpes is (throbbing, swelling sores) I know that every particular case is different, and I intend to get tested. I just need someone to talk to me about his and ease my shaking anxiety that I have had the past three days about this. I haven't had any other of symptoms aside from maybe a tiny bit of itchiness down there, and not particularly just in that spot. I am TERRIFIED, and FREAKING OUT. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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