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Everything posted by lulu_123

  1. Ok. I went and they told me it's not something I could've given her unless I have an active outbreak, and I didn't. Thankfully. I know it's not the biggest deal, I just hate that I'd have to explain to her dad how it happened, that would be the big deal part to me.
  2. Does that mean you all think she has hsv2?
  3. That's true, either way I need to life a more stress reducing life style. I haven't slept in days and I'm a wreck. I want to be in a better place, I really do. So I guess I'm freaking out again. My daughter had a few of the red spots on her and was complaining about itching yesterday and I panicked. I asked the guy if he was sure he only had HSV 2 genital and he said yes. But what if he's not sure and had it oral, and I have it then gave it to my daughter?? Someone please help me understand why we are having the same symptoms. I'm so scared.
  4. It is hard. Thank you @HikingGirl though, I need to incorporate those things into my life. I just know it's more than psychological. He told me when he was first diagnosed he has spots all on his body and today I was Itching everywhere and got a spot on my arm that was random and itched. I wish I could get rid of this pain....wouldn't the acyclovir have treated it if it were hsv? I need to start doing those things again, I miss the days when I was calm and happy and not stressed like I am right now. Life was so simple and I was so happy.
  5. @Lollyann76 I guess I do have anxiety, I kind of always have. I seek reassurance from others and confirmation that I'm not going crazy all the time. I wish I could just know for sure that I do or don't have it so I can move on with life. I feel like this anticipation is worse than any news Id get about HSV2. I do realize that it could be a mind-body connection and read the article. I found it to be very helpful and hope that it is what is happening to me. Thank you for that When I explained it to the doctor, I said it feels like little HSV2 viruses are in my nerves pinching every part of my body. She told me that is not real and it doesnt work like that, that it stays in one part of your body and affects only that part (Oral or genitals). I wonder if anyone agrees with her? Or is it possible that what I feel/believe to be feelings is a real thing?
  6. I'm in so much discomfort. I literally am going crazy. I have pinching everywhere still and I've taken acyclovir for 5 days as prescribed. The healthcare professionals says the pinching ALL over my body is psychological but could that even be possible? It's been three weeks. If I do have HSV 2, wouldn't it have treated this weird symptoms that all the docs are saying isn't a symptom they've heard of. I'm still freaking out
  7. @hippyherpy I definitly needed someone to help put it into perspective for me. It's crazy to think that I'm in the healthcare field yet know so little about it, except the huge stigma around it. I am now much more calm and understanding of it and know that it will all be alright. I have been through a few traumas in my life and just need to remind myself to not sweat the small stuff and that it could always be worse. I just feel like hearing it from people living with it or know more about it helps me drastically. Thank you.
  8. @hippyherpy @surfsup I do get them, or at least what I think are cold sores. Like once or twice a year, so not many....what do genital symptoms seem like? Same as cold sores?
  9. So what now? What am I to do now that I know I have it? Do I stop kissing? Having sex? I am truly ignorant and don't understand it. My ex used to get cold sores, could I have got it from Him?
  10. No they didn't know since I don't have any outbreaks down there but it could be oral, I have a cold sore right now...I've always gotten them. I'm confused. Like my partner has hsv2. This doesn't make sense
  11. They told me I have hsv1. Idk what to think.
  12. So I have hsv1...someone please give me some information
  13. I know, you're right. I just am scared of the stigma that comes along with it and what my future will look like. I get it, I'm accepting of it and it's no big deal, but will someone else be? Someone who doesn't want to have to deal with it or take medication the rest of his life. I'm scared no one will want to be with me....
  14. I'm paranoid again. I go from one extreme to the next. I just found some weird spots that look like red pimples down there but almost ingrown. Is that hsv? I also just got my first wax job ever and wonder if that's why these are there. It looks like a mosquito bite but a lump inside my skin...nothing more yet.
  15. Yeah, that's what I was told. It's so hard to wait, especially given that I feel uncomfortable with this pin like itching everywhere....
  16. Ok. I went to the doctor and they told me what everyone has been saying, that I can't be tested yet. But she told me my feelings of pinging and ting kind all over my body wouldn't be related. I just find it hard to believe because I e never had this tingling sensation before. It's like on my hand and legs and everywhere...but she said she'd never head of it in all her years. But I'm still scared I have it. My partner is reassuring me and telling me it's ok and he will want to be with me, but I'm not sure I want to be with him. What are my options after this? Do people accept it and want to be with someon with hsv? I'm still so scared.
  17. Thank you so much for reassuring me. I guess it's just something that I never imagined I'd have and so many people are telling me so many different things. Is there a chance that the outbreaks will not go away, if I do have it? I'm trying to stay calm, I really am.
  18. Thank you for all that helpful information. I just have a really bad feeling about it and I'm sure I have it. If I don't, it will be so odd that my fingers and hands are numb from this weird neuropathy pain I'm feeling...and down there is kinda burning like I have a yeast infection now. :( I'm so scared. I don't know what to do, who to talk to...what are my next steps? Will I ever get remarried? Will anyone accept this of me? Will I be in pain the rest of my life? I feel bad and dirty and like I am a bad person. I also feel so dumb. I should've been smarter. I have a freaking masters in nursing, but I got an std?? I feel like the dumbest person alive. I'm embarrassed to even go to the doctor, but I know I have to.
  19. Even with these weird symptoms? Almost like neuropathy in my fingers and pin like sensations all over...
  20. About 5 days ago, I was intimate with someone I knew had HSV2. We didn't have sex, but his parts touched mine. He said it was fine and that I won't get it since there wasn't too much friction and he didn't go in, but I'm scared. I feel stupid for trusting him because now I'm psyching myself out and thinking I have symptoms. The only symptom I'm having is pinching/tingling randomly all over my body. No flu/sores/itching/nothing. Just this random pin like sensations on my entire body. Again, we rubbed and touched each other down there but he didn't go in. He hasn't had a breakout in over a year he said and he was clean when I looked. But I've never felt like this in my life. Could I have HSV2? I'm going to get tested anyways in 3 days, but I'd love for someone to reassure me.
  21. So do you think I could have it from the type of exposure I had and my symptoms?
  22. About 5 days ago, I was intimate with someone I knew had HSV2. We didn't have sex, but his parts touched mine. He said it was fine and that I won't get it since there wasn't too much friction and he didn't go in, but I'm scared. I feel stupid for trusting him because now I'm psyching myself out and thinking I have symptoms. The only symptom I'm having is pinching/tingling randomly all over my body. No flu/sores/itching/nothing. Just this random pin like sensations on my entire body. Again, we rubbed and touched each other down there but he didn't go in. He hasn't had a breakout in over a year he said and he was clean when I looked. But I've never felt like this in my life. Could I have HSV2? I'm going to get tested anyways in 3 days, but I'd love for someone to reassure me.
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