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Everything posted by K123

  1. Oh my god. My PA called and they will see me tomorrow...she asked if I had any on my behind and BOOM out of nowhere tonight an hour later (after I told her no) there they are. I'm dealing with a recalcitrant 15 yo boy who is in special ed and acting stupid, along with this all week too. I'm trying to be calm and peaceful and relaxed about this all but today has just sucked eggs so badly.
  2. Holy cow. Doctors office just called and all is negative on my IGG and all other std panels. When I asked if typing could be done by a swab, the nurse was acting like it was a surprise to be asked! I told her I knew it was a new case, as I had gone through the fever on the night I was at the drs office. She actually asked if I wanted a typing for the flu?!! I'm so mad I could spit. I obviously have had an outbreak, no swabbing was done, and I didn't know any better to ask at the time. How can a physicians office (ob/gyn) be so clueless? Now what do I do?! My boyfriend will get his testing Saturday but remembers no oral or genital outbreaks before, so must be asymptomatic...or this is not herpes at all (yeah, right) and it's all a big mistake. Could the BV have caused a look alike rash that she mis-diagnosed?! I guess we just wait now for his results, but I'm so angry with my drs office! I just want to beat them up for being so damned blasé about all of this! I was so prepped to deal with hearing what happens next. I'm a planner type and need order and this threw me for a loop, even though I knew it would be a possibility. I had imagined I had H1, since I've always had canker sores since a kid with braces. I'm just having a difficult day and feeling sad and need to carp about it... Worst part of this is not wanting to talk about it with anyone! Poop.
  3. Holy cow. Doctors office just called and all is negative on IGG and all other std panels. When I asked if typing could be done by a swab, the nurse was acting like it was a surprise to be asked! I told her I knew it was a new case, as I had gone through the fever on the night I was at the drs office. She actually asked if I wanted a typing for the flu?!! I'm so mad I could spit. I obviously have had an outbreak, no swabbing was done, and I didn't know any better to ask at the time. How can a physicians office (ob/gyn) be so clueless? Now what do I do?!
  4. Thanks for the info! I found the other site to have lots more great info. I am looking forward to hearing our results so we can begin to move forward in our lives. One day at a time...
  5. Hi all. I just found out about my infection yesterday. Last June I tested positive for HPV and was relieved it wasn't Herpes...and here we are today. I've browsed the site for hours and learned a lot, but still have questions about this virus! I'm blessed with my faithful partner of three years who says we can handle anything together. We are in our 50's and don't know who was the carrier, but that doesn't matter now. My tests should be in soon, and he was making an appointment today. We had sex one week ago Sunday, and I should have used some lube, as it left me with small cuts on my body. (Darn menopause!) I could tell right away that it hurt and went online to see what to do to help it heal. Of course I ended up creating a bigger mess with an additional BV infection. After it grew into that big mess, I finally got into the doctor and have been using Valacyclovir 1 gm tabs and Metronidazole 500gm tabs for the BV since yesterday. It does feel better. I also have been doing baths with epsom and flushing with water after urination. I had nausea, a bad fever and chills episode last night but beyond the pain and the fatigue today, I do feel better. Part is because I realize how lucky I am to have the partner I do, and part is because of reading this website. Someone here said that "it's like a cold sore in on your privates", and that made me feel a lot more relaxed about this. It's not cancer, it's just an inconvenience. I have had a back injury last September that included some nerve pain down my left leg. Then my right leg began having it also. My neck was so stiff recently that I could barely turn my head to the side and was moving my whole body to do so. I just attributed this to my ongoing issues that I've had chiropractic for since I was in my 30's. Now I wonder if this was part of the virus? I also have floaters that seem to be worsening, and as I do have an eye specialist for them with an appointment this week, I will ask him about symptoms of that ocular issue someone mentioned. My aunt and mother both had "eye strokes" that took out one eye as they aged. I found it interesting that food triggers can cause more issues. I did have chocolate, peanut butter and peanuts this weekend when the pain got worse! Are there any others that are common? I can see I will need to do a food diary to find my triggers. I eat pretty healthy, as I've been on Weight Watchers all my life, but my boyfriend is very heavy. Salads, chicken and fruits are staples for me. I am disheartened to see that alcohol is one trigger also, as we love visiting the craft breweries around our beautiful area. I wonder about the meds...if we both have the same strain, do I need to take the meds all the time? I'm assuming he's also infected, of course, and if he's not, or if it's different, I would most certainly do so to protect him! But if we both have the same virus, are the meds necessary full time? I do understand the the first year they might be, just to help me deal with the virus. But later? And that brings up the questioning condom use. Must we use them now? (Again, assuming we both are infected.) If we both have the same strain, is it likely to make it worse if we don't? (Right now I can tell sex won't be happening for quite some time, as I feel like I have craters! Ouch! But later on?). Of course I would insist if he's not infected (or we part ways) but just wondering about our future sex life. Anyway, I'm blessed to have found your group, for it answered a LOT more questions than the PA did yesterday. I'm hopeful to hear about the results soon and looking ahead to figure out how to change our habits to have a healthy sex life. We enjoy ourselves way too much to want to retire from it!
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