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  1. Hey there :0)) Thanks for the reply!! I've been to the police station and talked to the cops. Turns out the guy doesn't even live where he said he lived. He may be freaking out because he is a lying dog and is married or sleeping around having unprotected sex. If he does have it at this point there is no way to know if he even got it from me. I was a sucker in thinking there is still honest and beautiful people out there but I was wrong in believing that with this certain individual. It is both partners duty to contribute in safe sex. Never once did I not tell him that I was safe and that he should not use a condom. He never directly asked either. I did the right thing in telling him the truth but he may be the wrong person as god knows how many people he has/is sleeping with or what his story is. Lesson to take from this for the rest of you.... ALWAYS DISCLOSE!! TRUST NO ONE AND GO WITH YOUR GUT!! NEVER LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR IF THEY TELL YOU OTHERWISE!!! So many people do and not tell their partner and hopefully their partner is an understanding human. I feel stupid for making this mistake. How did I fall stupid for a man who only brags about his women like accomplishments and lies about his life and where he lives!! He could be a serial killer for all I know. Now I will live with 911 on speed dial and hope that no one around me becomes in danger due to my lack in judgement of a person and making myself vulnerable and being honest with someone. I now must be strong and live a life of battle due to lack of education and knowledge. Educate yourself people and educate those around you. It's not aids it's not life threatening. It's as common as a cold. Have you had mono? Chickenpox? Cold sores? It's all the same. It's just too much for the phsycological mind so doctors lie to you and tell you not to disclose because they know other people can't handle it because society is so uneducated. If I get sued, I'm suing my doctor. But I guarantee you the only reason he is threatening me is because he himself has something more to hide. I made my mistake and I was afraid and I owned it. These are my consequences and I will accept them and take them on as they come. If you can take anything from my story and remove judgement as there in no way I would ever intentionally put this into someone else intentionally. Please learn from my mistakes and ALWAYS DISCLOSE!!! EDUCATE EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!! And help others to be strong and not be taken down by the social stigma of the uneducated and toxic evil people out there.
  2. Hello I have HSVII I have had it for four years. I ALWAYS disclose with everyone. Unfortunately I got my self into a new situation. I met a guy online and we hit it off really well, REALLY fast! We talked for like a week and finally met. I dance/strip part time and even though that had nothing to do with how I got it, they are a bad combo. But we were meeting after work so like 3am and he wanted to party. The whole time before I was stressing out thinking how am I going to tell him right off the bat? I'll just blurt it out, whatever it will be fine. So we get to my house and start drinking and I don't know what the fuck happened to me but I didn't end up telling him, we had unprotected sex and I don't even remember the night. I woke up processed everything and ended up going with what one doctor had told me after I found out and was steady on my meds daily that I didn't have to tell anyone because 99.9% of the population has it and there's 9 different strands of it and that it's so common it doesn't matter. Along with the fact that when I do disclose to partners they always say "I wouldn't have cared if you didn't tell me" and with my most recent partner using it against me after 1 year and 7 months even though I told him straight from the get go. So we had unprotected sex multiple times and finally it got to my conscious and I couldn't take it anymore so I just told him the truth. He is FREAKING out!!! He has threatened to tell everyone in my entire life, my buisiness, my landlords. He's threatening to ruin my entire life!!! He thinks I intentionally tried to give him HSVII I didn't. I made a drunken STUPID mistake and I had never told anyone after sex so I was terrified to reveal myself. Knowing that I had never given it to anyone else and knowing the doctor himself didn't think it was a big deal I did not confess until after like 15 times. It all happened so fast between the charisma and passion and then I couldn't take it anymore. It went against who I was as a person regardless of all the arguing thoughts and experiences in my head. And now he's threatening my entire life and threatening to sue me if he gets it when he gets his test results back. I'm so petrified and I don't know who to talk to.
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