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Everything posted by dk_na

  1. Hi, I haven't had any of the clear symptoms associated with herpes, but recently had a big scare because of a call from my ex-girlfriend. She's with another guy now, but she had her first outbreak about two weeks ago. The new BF supposedly was tested recently before they met and was negative at that point. I last had sex with her around ~14.03.2017. I've been to two doctors, but they both had that "don't ask - don't tell" policy about Herpes and said I seemed fine. So I did the blood and swab tests on my own initiative. Swab was negative on 12.04.2017. They took my blood on 13.04.2017. These are the results: HSV I Ig G - 0.2(-)negative HSV I Ig M - 0.4(-)negative HSV II Ig G - 0.1(-)negative HSV II Ig M - 0.75(-)negative The reference range is as follows (according to their site): <0,8 (-)negative; 0,8-1,1 borderline; 1,1 (+) positive At first, I was worried that Ig-M was a "high negative", but the general consensus seems to be that it should be disregarded, plus it's still a negative and numbers aren't important. The other thing that I found out was that this results are REAL negative only looking back from about 3 months since the last exposure. I don't know what else to do. Should I accept these results and move on? Or do more tests? Thanks in advance!
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