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  1. Yes. My colposcopy was negative for dysplasia but did show herpes. My recent blood test was negative for hsv2 and positive for hsv1 as I knew it would be from history with cold sores.
  2. I have had HSV1 all my life as far as I know with cold sores on my mouth once or twice per year. In addition, I recall having herpetic whitlow during an illness at 11 years old. Very recently was diagnosed with HSV1 on my cervix. 1. What is the likelihood of my giving a partner GHSV1? Have had unprotected sex with a partner a couple of times when I didn't know the diagnosis. 2. Is this scenario possible? I unknowingly spread HSV1 from my mouth to the genitals of a partner. And then they spread it to my cervix? 3. Since I have had hsv1 all my life is it likely to continue outbreaks on my cervix? I was completely unaware of this and it came back after an unusual pap, which then resulted in a colposcopy and this was determined. Thank you very much for your help.
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