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  1. Hi everyone. I got into a relationship about 2 years ago with someone who disclosed to me that he had hsv2 but never had outbreaks. I was already in love with him, and we were already best friends, so I didn't care that he had it. I never had any symptoms and after being tested for STDs last year, thought I got lucky. I didn't know that STD testing doesn't typically test for herpes. I had a hysterectomy at the beginning of this year and again assumed my blood had been tested for everything... I don't know why I didn't know that's not how it works. I had unprotected sex with a new partner less than two weeks ago. This past Saturday, my butt hole began to itch. By Sunday, there was a tender spot just next to the opening of my vagina. Now there are bumps around my anus that may or may not be fluid filled, and they seem to have an odor. The spot next to my vagina is different. It looks like a cut or lesion. I did a 3 day yeast infection treatment, hoping that was my problem, but things are only getting worse. I guess I'm hoping y'all will say I probably just have jock itch or something but I know it's unlikely. I can't get tested until next week because I live in the middle of nowhere. What is the likelihood that I contracted this from my most recent partner, rather than my ex-boyfriend? I never had any symptoms at all before this. Also, what can I do in the mean time? Should I put coconut oil or hydrocortisone cream on the bumps? They're annoying. This really sucks. I should have expected this. Thanks for reading!
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