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Everything posted by CS4YOU

  1. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with H via a culture. They did not type it, so will get that done in a few months when enough antibodies are present. My outbreak was initially diagnosed as a staph infected hair follicle that formed 6 weeks ago. It never hurt, blistered, or crusted; I did have some aches, was about the only real symptom. I had a large ulcer about 1.5 inches above my penis in my pubic hair region. Almost a week later some smaller blotches appeared that did not become ulcers or blisters and have dissipated. I was put on Valtrex when I was diagnosed and take daily. The initial ulcer has healed over but has not gone away. It is now a purplish area that wont go away and I have a few questions. Autoinoculation really scares me until I have antibodies built up. I had not checked the area in a little while and did today. I felt it with my two pointer fingers to see if it felt different than the surrounding skin and it did, sensitive. The last time I checked was several days before it didn't feel sensitive. I was a little sweaty and guess that had an affect. Afterwards I got right in the shower that was running and washed the area with a bar of soap, but not my fingers and under the nail all that much yet. I adjusted the shower head before I started washing my hand, and a finger got in the water and that water hit near/on my right eye. I immediately put my face in the water to wash it off and had my eye open to wash it out. 1. Is it possible I passed herpes into my eye? 2. Has anyone heard of an initial outbreak that occurred in an area not on genitals, never had skin breaks in the area, it was in a hair follicle as hair was growing out of the intial bump before it turned into an ulcer, 5-6 days later had small rice sized bumps that didn't burst, no real "blisters", no oozing, no pain, no crusting over. And now 6 weeks later the ulcer spot has closed and is a purplish area that is sometimes sensitive and sometimes not? 3. After being there for 6 weeks, closing, and being on Valtrex for 3 weeks, is it still giving off viruses? I know, I'm paranoid, but really don't have anyone to talk to, and internet self diagnosing is not wise ive learned.
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