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  1. @JeffH I'm so scared to retest tbh. They need to find a cure. I'm a bit grateful I haven't had any out breaks.
  2. @HikingGirl thanks for the information. I think I'm more scared about the fact that it cannot be cured at this time and the social status of it. Like a part of me really doesn't care that much and would forget this and move on. But there's a small part where I feel ashamed and stupid. I feel like this isn't real.
  3. I'm just 19 and about 3 months ago I ended up having unprotected sex with a guy. At first he forced on me but during the week I admit it was my consent and we had more and more unprotected sex. I don't know what I was thinking I am always paranoid and extra safe. I would just be depressed to find out if I'm really hsv 2 positive. I have a bright life ahead. I'm supposed to start med school this year and it makes me want to cry to know just one guy could ruin my life when I didn't even want to have sex with him in the first place. He's like the 4th guy I've ever slept with and the only one with no confom! I just hate myself right now. I didn't experience any symptoms other than vaginal itching which was due to other issues of my own. No symptoms of hsv 1 either. I feel so overwhelmed by all these results and numbers online and I don't know what to believe. The results for the ELISA test said herpes 2 Igm in range 0.58 which based on the ranges would be negative then herpes 1 IgG out of range 1.64 what died out of range and in range even mean. Herpes 2 IgG was 1.39.... I don't even know what to think right now. Do a retest or not? Ignore it or not? Because I have no symptoms and it was about 3 months and counting ago. Part of me thinks oh it's really not that life threatening and a part of me is like could my life be any worse. With school anxiety and other medical issues. How am I going to tell my parents this? I just feel pressured and maybe s tad bit suicidal. But I have so much I want to accomplish. I want to beat myself for having unprotected sex. How do I even approach the guy. Could I have had the virus before? Maybe it's inaccurate.
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