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Everything posted by ladi

  1. Thanks so much for the insight... Both of u. @ IsWhatItIs....Do u mind describing you sores. His look like mosquito bites. Painful...but no oozing or crusting. One bump here and there...no clusters. Thanks again
  2. Several views and no comments. You guys must think I'm pretty stupid huh....
  3. I informed my boyfriend of my hsv2 before we became intimate. I use Acyclovir to suppress and haven't had any outbreaks since we met. We use condoms, now he complains of random bumps on his body...the back (they look like mosquito bites), they're not in clusters. He says he had itchiness and a rash on his thighs...we see each other once a week though and I've never seen the that rash. He says it clears up before I see him. We have a appointment to see a doctor next week. Has anyone ever heard of this? He's had Graves disease for 10 years and says he's never had this issue before. I've also used a lot of talcum powder before seeing him, to prevent body order. Way too much though, to where I once got a yeast infection. I was thinking that may have been why his thighs were itching.....IDK. I'm mortified.
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