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Posts posted by UnexpectedSunshine97

  1. @Thisismyusername I was also only 17 when I was diagnosed and I felt the exact same way as you. Once your first OB passes, it gets better, the 1st is always the worst. As for your emotional turmoil, I completely understand. For a long time I genuinely worried that no one would ever be able to love me but, through experience, I came to realize this simply isn't true. There are some truly amazing people out there. But the good ones always take a little longer to find, don't lose hope! They're out there! I have had two loves since my diagnosis and both of them saw past the stigma of H and saw me for me. It wasn't always easy, and during the really hard parts I often asked "why me?" But I have also come to learn that this question is really not important. It will only drive you crazy. Instead, try to find a bright side. I know this seems IMPOSSIBLE but its not. For example, my H has allowed me to find partners who value me for who I am and not just for a shallow sexual connection. But first I think its really important to value yourself in this way. YOU HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO OFFER! You're a valuable, intelligent, good person. I think the trick is to not let H define you, you're still your normal self, that hasn't changed. Don't think of yourself as someone who has herpes, you are so much more, H is just one tiny part of you. Practice self-love and be patient, it gets better with time.

  2. @BlueBerry08 HEY GIRL! hope you're doing better! I also have hsv1 on my genitals and have similar problems around my time of month. During the 1st year after my diagnosis I had an OB with EVERY PERIOD. UGH. It was really hard especially because moisture can trigger OBs, so because I was having irritations consistently I've been taking 500mgs of Apo-Valacyclovir everyday for the last two and a half years or so. Its reeeaaally made a positive difference. Lately I've started skipping days and taking it more regularly the week or so before I expect my period which has worked for me thus far. It definitely gets better with time and you learn how to best help your body during your period and other stressful times as well. For me, I try to keep my Nether Regions as dry as possible during my period, I like to wear pads (which obviously get wet super quickly) so I usually apply a drying agent like witch hazel on any lesions, then i cover them with Zincofax (a diaper rash cream). For the moisture on the pad I put baby powder EVERYWHERE, on me, on the pad, it really helps to absorb some of the moisture. This routine has worked for me, hope it'll help you too!

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