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  1. no it was right after each other, i woke up in morning, popped "ingrown hair" washed hands than picked nose brush teeth etc
  2. before i knew i had it i popped what i thought was an ingrown hair then ran my hands under hot water then irrigated my nose in the morning. Im about 20 days in now but im worried that maybe i washed some mucus back into my sinal exit-ways before i blew my nose, and ive read that it can spread through mucus. Im worried because i feel slight tingling deep up in my nose.
  3. hello, i was recently diagnosed with genital herpes and ive been having a hell of a time lately. Before i was even diagnosed i had accidentally spread it to my nostril. Well time passed and i actually accidentally transmitted it to my other nostril as well, today i tried to go about freeing up my airways a different way by dipping my nose into the sink, now im worried that i may have transferred it to my sinus and that also has me worried that i will undergo herpetic encephalitis. Its sunday and i havent been able to get to my Primary Care Physician as he is out of town and have been sustaining on a couple of valcyclovir refills that i got from the clinic doc, but he has been unwilling to write me anything more than the twice daily 500mg for 3 day "flare up" preventative. Please help im very scared.
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