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  1. The 7th and 8th I had pain, went to the hospital was told it was nothing but I went to my gyno that Monday and was diagnosed, hsv1 both genitally and orally. It was a really awful primary outbreak, over 25 lesions just genitally. After medication for two weeks I feel better, still taking a daily lysine and vitamin c pill, some nerve tingling pain still though. The other night I was hysterical and probably rubbed my name eyes a hundred times,I also wear contacts. Today the whites of my eyes closest to my nose have been tingling all day a little bloodshot, sort of like if I touched a pepper and then my eyes and also like someone is blowing cold air right there. Is this symptoms or am I just over reacting? My gyno gave me an extra script incase I felt like an outbreak was coming so i took one of those a few hours ago. Do I go to primary care doctor even if I don't have any real visual symptoms or just continue the course of medication and go if things progress? Do I need to stop wearing contacts? Sorry for rambling, thank you.
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