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Everything posted by Rockies17

  1. Thank you, @lollyann76. I just recently moved, so I think I'll see what happens with meeting people through work, and might try the sites to get a feel for it again
  2. @optimist, that was awesome, thank you. I've had many experiences on dating sites, but I got so disgusted with the guys I was coming across, I just stopped. But you're right, that is the easiest way to get into a conversation about it, because in my experience the conversation jumps right into sex pretty quickly. Youve berm very helpful, thank you again.
  3. Also, are there any dating sites out there specifically for those with hsv? It would Suire be alot more comfortable getting to know someone with that already out there. Thanks!
  4. @Bamina3, thank you for the feedback. I was tested every year with my gyno for everything because I was pretty sexuality active, so I'm fairly certain it was from this one time partner, who denied he had it, yet volunteered someone else had told him they got very quickly after being with him. @optimist, thank you as well for your feedback. As far as it feelung different, I know it's just a mental thing, it's just that I have always been very confident sexuality, and I feel at this point I wouldn't even know what to do with myself because it's been so long. I take the 500. After shaving it feels almost like razor burn, but not to the point of lesions or burning when peeing. Ilk just hold of on the full grooming, no one will notice at this point, haha. So if you don't mind me asking, how/when do you tackle the disclosure? I would like to get back into casually dating as well, my fear with that though is because I'm not really looking for anything serious, and minus a strong emotional bond, I guess I just can't see some one interested in taking the risk. I know the stats and transmission risks as so on, but let's be honest, if you don't have it, it's just a scary thing and not something you have probably researched to the degree I have. I know pre-infection, if a casual partner told me he had it, I would have not been anxious to put myself in that position Would love to hear how you have handled that discussion. Thanks! .
  5. New member here looking for your input. I discovered the scary, painful blisters 48 hrs after having sex with a man two years ago this Halloween. It was a month of excruciating physical and emotional pain, and the assumption I could never have sex again. I promised myself I would disclose before I ever did get sexual with someone, but who would want to risk that? So here I am, turning 49 this month, not even so much as a kiss with a man since 2015, and it's getting old. So, I have a couple questions. I realize this affects everyone differently, but I have not had one outbreak since the first, that I'm aware of anyway. I feel like sometimes when I shave that it feels a little sensitive after, but it has never burned when I pee, and I've never felt or seen a blister. I'm on valacyclovir daily, and have been since the start. Are there any solid signs that I could be having an outbreak, minus sores and aches? The initial outbreak gave me nerve pain down my left leg that was bizarre. I'm just mortified of getting back into sex, assuming someone would even go there. Obviously I would require a condom, I'm just scared it will never be as enjoyable as it was before this (not because of the condom, just that maybe the area is physically different). Any experiences would help, I really appreciate it.
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