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  1. Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and I have a couple of questions I could really use some answers to.I am a 19yr old Male. So, first of all I'm going to give a background on my diagnosis. I have been in a relationship with this girl for 5 months and about 3-4 weeks ago she told me she had some bad news for me. She had been experiencing a lot of pain when she sat down and had flu like symptoms for close to a week, so she made an appointment with her Dr.. Her Dr. checked her out and ran a few tests and it came back that she was positive for genital hsv-1. I am assuming she might of had oral hsv1 since she was younger but the fact that she had a pretty bad outbreak for genital hsv-1 has lead me to think otherwise. And of course with me being an extreme hypochondriac, I freaked out and immediately made an appointment to see my physician. When I went to go see him, I told him the entire rundown of the situation and that I have had quite a bit of unprotected oral and vaginal sex with her prior to her "flu-like symptoms". As soon as she started having pain down there (before either of us knew we had hsv-1) we stopped all sexual acts. My question that I have is how could she have possibly developed genital hsv-1 5 months into our relationship if we have only been with each other? Is it possible that I had it before and didnt know and then passed it to her through oral sex? Or is it possible that she gave it to herself through masturbation? I. I am not sure if I was perviously infected with hsv-1 before meeting her or not. I do not recall getting a cold sore before. What is leaving me so anxious is the fact that I do not know where the virus is on my body. I do not have any visible cold sores, however 2 days ago I noticed my throat was a little red and that I had a few nonpainful blood like spots on my tonsils and was wondering if that is possibly a sign of an active oral herpes outbreak? I have abstained from sex for about 4 weeks now and I havent really seen or felt anything out of the ordinary. About 3-4 days ago however, I started to feel an uncomfortable feeling on my tailbone. Upon inspection, I did not see any blisters or rash, however I did see that the skin in the crack of my butt seemed to be a little pink or raw and that there is a little flesh colored bump looking thing on the skin where my tailbone is located. Me being the hypochondriac I am, I am currently freaking out and just want some peace of mind. When i went to my Dr. he did a swab of some red spots on my genital region and they came back negative for hsv-1 and hsv-2. Does this mean that I have oral hsv-1? I was reading that most of the times a genital hsv-1 infection often leaves the patient asymptomatic and was worried that I may have genital herpes and not know about it. Is there a test that can locate where the hsv-1 infection is on my body? I am afraid that if my girfriend and I breakup that I will pass it to someone else through asymptomatic shedding. Basically Since I know i tested positive for hsv-1 i was wondering how i can find out where it is, and also learn how to reduce my risk of infecting someone in the future. What drives me crazy is that I do not know if i have had hsv-1 for a while or if she recently infected me. Is there a way to find out how long ive had the infection? If i do have genital hsv-1 is it posisble for the infection to only effect my anus? I feel as if i cant have sex ever again and it is ruining my self esteem. Thank you so much for your time!
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