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  1. Hey! so I'm a registered nurse and I can tell you that yes there is a very slight chance that you could pass it onto your baby however the chances are so slim that from a medical stand point, it really isn't a big deal anymore because it rarely ever happens in this country with all the medical advances in pharmaceuticals and technology. As long as you inform your doctor that you have it (if you ever ended up contracting it)at your prenatal visits you should be just fine! But as stated above, its really only an issue when the mom has an outbreak during the birthing process, in which they would then just have a C-section. It used to be thought that you had to have a c-section if you had genital herpes but that isn't the case anymore. C-section is still the safest bet, but if you were set on having a child vaginally then that would definitely a possibility! I know this news of your boyfriend having herpes may come as a shock. But please try not to be afraid of it. You really need to look at it for what it is, which is a cold sore. You said it yourself that you already have HSV 1, just on a different part of your body. Herpes is all around us. The only reason its so scary is because theres a social stigma surrounding it which I think is really stupid coming from a medical standpoint because most people have herpes weather its orally or genitally. Im sure you are scared especially watching what your boyfriend is going through...when I was first diagnosed I was a wreck, but thats because I was letting society define me by this really stupid and uneducated definition of what herpes was...Once i actually figured out what it was, I became a much stronger person and honestly it gave me a lot more respect for myself in the long run..it sounds weird i know but its soooo true. Having herpes, as I'm sure you know, is nothing but a little nuisance every once in a while. Yes, you have those people who get really terrible symptoms much more often and that is very unfortunate, but that is not the majority. The majority of people who have herpes don't even know it. This is because we do not test for it in a standard STD test. The rest of the people who have it, normally have there symptoms under control, and many are on medication. Ive only ever had one outbreak in my life. That was over two years ago. Since then I have dated and I have had sex with guys who didn't have it. We always used condoms but we also weren't that serious. You may not have planned on being protected but maybe it would be best if you guys started out with protection in order to calm your nerves. Just do what ya feel comfortable with. No ones saying you have to forever use protection especially if you plan on marrying this dude..I mean as long as you don't have any autoimmune diseases you'll be just fine! i know some couples where one person has it and the other person doesn't. They've been married for years, and never used any barrier methods, and the other person never contracted it. Obviously there are instances where people do contract it, but Essentially you have to come to the realization that yes, there is a possibility that you could get it from him..but there's a possibility you could get it from literally anyone, and if he were to get on medication the chances of you contracting it become very low. They become almost nonexistent if you use both a condom and medication. The best thing to do would be to speak with your OBGYN about these questions because they could probably answer all of them.
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