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Everything posted by Bubblegumbabe17

  1. I have herpes simplex 1. I am on my 2nd outbreak and it has lasted 6 weeks and is still going. I recently got a tattoo and didn't think anything of it. Getting a tattoo lowers your immune system due to the stress on your body. The shop I went to was very professional and clean. That night I got a strange pain in my lower abdomen. It felt like cramping but different and more painful. I think I had a fever and I vomited once. I am still not used to how herpes reacts in my body. I looked up herpes outbreak symptoms and this came up "A feeling of pressure in the area below the stomach". And I also had flu like symptoms. Does this sound like I put stress on my body and my herpes flaired up even more? When I was diagnosed I did not have any other STIs and I have not have sex since being diagnosed.
  2. I have been recently diagnosed with herpes simplex 1. So far my outbreaks are mild and not painful for me. I am very comfortable talking about my sex life and what having herpes will mean for my sex life. I read on webmd about having a fulfilling sex life with herpes. It says you can mutal masturbate (hand stuff) with your parnter as long as you wash your hands immediately after and don't touch other areas. It also mentions the use of sex toys. I would still like to have a sexual relationship with my boyfriend while having an outbreak since it is so mild for me. Right now I will give him a hand job and we will dry hump. We can still have a very romantic and sensual relationship while I am having an outbreak but I am curious to hear anyone elses sexual relationship experiences during an outbreak. (PS I know vaginal and anal and receiving oral is not safe during an outbreak)
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