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  1. I've recently been diagnosed with hsv2, and I know that I've put myself at risk for it so it's not incredibly surprising to me, except that the only boys that could have given it to me would have given it to me either a year ago, or four years ago, because I was with my last boyfriend for a year and we broke up last month, and my boyfriend before that was for three years but he was a virgin. I did have unprotected sex before and after the three year relationship. The thing that concerns me is that whether it was over four years ago or just one year ago that I got it, I've never had a breakout or any of the symptoms, and I know that can be common, but also both of those past boyfriends tested negative for jsv2 after our relationships. Having unprotected sex with them for one to three years, I know it's possible but I feel like it's unlikely that if I had hsv2 I wouldn't have transferred it to either of them. Also when I got my test results back my epstein barr virus antibodies were really high as well, but my mother says I've never had mono. I've read online that you can have it when you're young and not really notice though. Basically my question is should I trust this test or get retested? My igg for hsv2 was 6.76 which I know is pretty conclusive, and I'm not super devastated about the diagnosis, just a little skeptical. I've also known my local health clinic to misdiagnosed chlamydia and mono, but I've never heard of them misdiagnosing with an antibodies test.
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