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Everything posted by eyelash

  1. Hello, About 7 months ago I was "diagnosed" with HSV2. I use quotation marks because I'm not entirely convinced it was a definite diagnosis. Here’s the (long) story… Before the diagnosis, I was hooking up with a guy and it kind of fizzled out and we don’t really talk anymore. A few weeks after our last hookup, I started feeling itchy and noticed some discharge. All the signs & symptoms pointed to a yeast infection, so I went to a gyno to get medication. During this time, I was volunteering abroad for the year so I kind of chose a random gyno from a list and I wasn’t able to see my gyno at home whom I know and trust. This gyno that I went to did an exam, confirmed it was a yeast infection, and gave me the necessary meds and told me it should be gone within a week. A few weeks later, the symptoms had come back, though they weren’t as intense, and I went back to the same gyno to see if something else was wrong. He did another examination and told me he must have missed it before but he it looked like Herpes (which he announces in a fairly blasé fashion). He said he noticed a semi-healed lesion, but the actual infection had mostly passed so he couldn’t perform a culture. He gave me a prescription for Aciclovir and no other information. Of course I was freaked out and confused with the 2 VERY different diagnoses a few weeks apart, so a few days later I went to see a different gyno for a second opinion. He didn’t do a physical examination since at that point all my symptoms were gone, but I told him what had happened and he said he couldn’t be sure it was Herpes from the symptoms I described to him, and it really might have just been a yeast infection (hooray for more confusion!) Right after this was happening, I was meant to be traveling for 3 weeks and I couldn’t go and get a blood test right away, so the gyno prescribed me more medication in case my symptoms started again while on my trip (thankfully they didn’t). When I got back from traveling, I tried to get a blood test done, but the cost of doing it internationally was WAY out of my budget and my insurance wouldn’t cover it, so I decided to wait until I got home. I’ve been home for 2 months now, and have seen my doctor, and she told me I can get a blood test here (there is also a big cost, though not as high as it was abroad), but she doesn’t really recommend it. She says the results are notoriously unreliable, and the only thing that would give me peace of mind is if they came back negative, but since so many people are affected by at least one strain of HSV I couldn’t rely on the results. She said that the best way to find out if I have it or not is to do a culture when I have an outbreak, but since my original diagnosis 7 months ago I haven’t had a single outbreak or any abnormal symptoms. So now I’m at a crossroads… should I spend the money on a test that is likely to come back inconclusive, or just do nothing and assume I have HSV2? I’ve already gone through the trauma of learning my status, and I tried dating a little while after I found out but I got immediately rejected after sharing my status with the first guy I dated. The thought of dating fills me with so much anxiety and fear to the point that I’ve now been completely avoiding it, and I’d like to get over that but I haven’t been able to. I’m not sure what to do… is it worth getting the blood test so late after a diagnosis and symptoms? Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Any and all advice is so appreciated.
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