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Everything posted by cupcakeinparis

  1. Dear optimist, Thank you so much for your response to my post. Now I know that telling him about my HSV-1 is not wrong (Well, timing was not very good, I admit...). I am not sure if he will contact me again. But if he does, I will tell my test result (I will take a blood test this Wednesday) and talk about HPV, HSV, and what we would like to do with him again. Thank you again for getting back to me. Now I am feeling a little bit better and my heart is lighter, because I know I can have a support from you and other people on this site! Merci beaucoup!
  2. Hello my friends, About 2 weeks ago, my boyfriend told me he got some pimples around his genital area, and I have to see a doctor too. I got freaked out, because it was my first time that someone told me about a possibility of STD. My boyfriend saw his doctor, and he was told that what he got is genital warts. While waiting for my doctor appointment, I went online and found out that I have HSV-1 (I got cold sores when I was a child), and I could pass it to my partner. I was scared. I was devastated. I felt like I am a huge virus which makes a person I like infected with STD. It was very difficult for me, but I called my boyfriend and told him about my HSV because I wanted to be honest, and maybe I could not hold this heavy fact only inside of my heart. He was calm. He told me what he got is not herpes, so I should not worry too much. After the phone talk, I cried because I was so relieved. I felt even happy, because I thought my boyfriend accepted me with my HSV. But after that conversation, I have not heard from him almost a week (we used to text/talk everyday). My friends told me that he needs sometime to think and digest his thoughts. Maybe so. But I am worried if he will disappear because of what I told him. I cannot stop thinking that I was rejected because of my HSV, and I will need to go through this situation many times in my life. Or I should not have told my boyfriend about HSV-1, because it is so common? Sadness, regret, devastation, many negative thoughts have been spinning in my mind... If there is someone who had the similar experience, would you give me some advice? Thank you,
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