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Posts posted by Drkyle

  1. I've experienced something very similar throughout my initial outbreak - so much so that my dr second-guessed his diagnosis and had me take another IgG test (unfortunately, it was also positive). I found a little relief by using a 1% hydrocortisone cream, but honestly I just had to wait it out. The good news is that it did finally go away and I feel pretty normal at the moment. Have started taking supplements and doing everything I can to get healthy as that seems to be the best way to stave off subsequent outbreaks. Hope this helps.

  2. Hi everyone - I've been astonished and disappointed by the lack of consistent information on the web about how to treat HSV-2 symptoms. I'm hopeful some of the veterans will share some of the things they do to decrease shedding and decrease the frequency/duration of outbreaks. I'm still working through my initial outbreak (38 days and counting). It's slowly getting better, I think... I have been taking Valcyclovir twice daily and plan to take it once daily for suppression after the outbreak is over. I'd like to know if there is anything else I can do to as a preventative therapy to reduce shedding and stave-off outbreaks. I've seen all kinds of stuff online such as Colloidal Silver, Tea Tree Oil, etc... anyone feel like they e had luck with these? Thanks for being here... this has been the best resource I've found so far and sincerely appreciate the information.

  3. Thank you for the reply. To clarify the situation, I had a rash including a few vesicles show up and my primary care doc immediately diagnosed as HSV and put me on antivirals. He did not offer to swab for confirmation and by the time the initial shock wore off and I learned about the testing, the vesicles had dried up. When I asked about testing they drew blood and sent it off for IgG and IgM testing. IgG quickly came back as negative - no update on the IgM and it sounds like it's irrelevant anyway.


    I'm obviously still hopeful that this is something else, but my symptoms and the presentation of the rash are exactly like what many have described here. Thanks for the book recommendation as well.


  4. Just got diagnosed with genital (visually) 2 weeks ago...devistating isn't a strong enough word to describe the feeling. IgG came back negative and I'm still waiting on the IgM results, so I don't know if 1 or 2.. Doc says neg IgG likely points to a new infection. I'm happily married, infatuated with my wife and honestly don't know how I could have picked up a new infection. She's getting tested next week...


    If she does not have it, I'm absolutely sickened at the thought of possibly passing it to her. My heart breaks at the thought of our relationship having to change to accommodate this virus. Glad I stumbled onto this forum, as it has been one of the few things to calm me down. Obviously, I don't know all of the specifics yet, however, I have some immediate questions (my apologies for the bluntness):


    1. If she is negative, I get that we should use a condom, but what about touching? Will she be able to touch my uncovered penis without risking exposure? What about oral sex? Should that be avoided? No one seems to speak to specific sexual acts or scenarios, they just say "wear a condom".


    2. If she is negative, is it safe for me to perform oral sex on her? Can I pass genital to her orally?


    Sincerely, thank you all for your stories, advice and support. This is something no one ever thinks they will go through.





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