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  1. Hello everyone. My first post...when I received my results I spent hours on the internet and this site has really been my "go to" for education and acceptance. So I joined. Thank yal. Ive been married for 7 years, my birtbday present to myself every year is a pap smear bc my mother has a history of cancer as well as my sister. This past October for fall break my children, husband, and I went on vacation...we went to Dollywood, water rides, heat etc. On the last day of our trip I went to use the bathroom... when I wiped...sorry for the details!! ...I couldn't stop the itch..toilet paper, to a towel, to the point I absolutely scratched my butt cheeks to the front area raw. I blew it off as heat and wet jeans at the water park and stuff. When we came home from vacation my husband was ready to do the deed, but I knew something wasnt right "down there " so I told him, threatened ,that I was getting tested, "and he better hope I didnt have anything" . When I went to the Dr he did an exam, said nothing down there made him think I had herpes. He asked several times if I wanted the test for everything..including herpes. Now I understand why so many ppl are undiagnosed. When I got the results online...I tested 14 hsv2, positive. I held it in for a while, until I snapped, literally tried to run my husband over with my car. We seperated for a week or so, he got tested and said no hsv 2, only had hsv 1 ..that he had since he was born. I didnt know until now, but im taking it one day at a time. The non stop itching comes and goes, but I have started taking the suggested vitamins and bought tea tree oil , which I wouldnt have had a clue about without yal.Thank you!!
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